The Promise of FIRST

Toledo, Spain, 12-15 December 2000

[Toledo poster (PDF 110kb)]

Scientific Programme

Dear participants in `The Promise of FIRST' symposium!

We in the SOC are pleased to present the Scientific Programme for the meeting. It consists of four major parts:

The nature of what is called `Panel discussions' will be further explained in the meeting, but we (the SOC = the FIRST Science Team) remind you that the specific aims for this meeting stated in the announcement are:

The panel discussions will be designed to address the three last points above through interaction with the future FIRST user community. We will be seeking your views on these issues in order to ensure that we have the best possible input in our task of maximising the science return of FIRST!

The scheduling of the invited talks and the oral and poster contributions has been drawn up to maximise the usefulness with the panel discussions in mind, hence the concentration of invited talks early in the meeting. Thanks to the very large number of interesting contributions received - and many requests for oral talks - we have decided to run parallel sessions for oral contributions in order to double the number of speakers that can be accomodated.

Here you find the Scientific Programme in PDF format, below is a HTML version, with links to the abstracts. There is also an Abstract Book in PDF format available (4.4Mb), however, note that this book was produced with the 17 November version of the Scientifc Programme. All participants will get a printed copy of the Abstract Book at the time of registration.

For the presentations themselves, the following equipment is available in each of the two lecture rooms:
1 computer projector
2 viewgraph projectors
2 screens

See you soon in Toledo!
Best regards,
the SOC

'Change log':
Version 31 October: Preliminary programme.
Version 17 November: Several changes, particularly on Thursday/Friday.
Version 4 December: Cancellations and updates to sessions 5/6 and 14a/b. Posters listed with numbers.
Version 5 December: Updates to sessions 0 and 13.
Version 8 December: Updates to sessions 0 and 10b.

The Promise of FIRST: Scientific Programme

Version: 8 December 2000

Monday 11 December 2000

16.00 Registration - until 20.00

Tuesday 12 December 2000

08.30 Registration

Session 0: Welcome

09.00 LOC: Welcome and Practicalities

09.05 R. Bonnet, ESA Director of Science

09.15 E. Martinez Ataz, 1st Vicerector of the University of Castilla La Mancha

09.20 J. Bono, President of the Governement of Castilla La Mancha

Session 1: Introducing the FIRST mission

09.30 R. Genzel: A general view of IR astrophysics

10.00 G. Pilbratt: The FIRST mission: Science objectives and this meeting - abstract - talkPDF(45kb) - talkPPT(260kb)

10.30 T. Passvogel: The FIRST mission: Implementation status and schedule - abstract - talkPDF(2462kb) - talkPPT(3324kb)

11.00 coffee break + mount posters

Session 2: Introducing the FIRST instruments

11.30 A. Poglitsch: The FIRST PACS instrument - abstract - talkPDF(12Mb) - talkPPT(3681kb)

12.00 M. Griffin: The FIRST SPIRE instrument - abstract - talkPDF(3212kb) - talkPPT(5210kb)

12.30 Th. de Graauw: The FIRST HIFI instrument - abstract

13.00 lunch break

Session 3: Introducing the context of FIRST

14.30 M. Kessler: The results of ISO - abstract

15.00 T. Phillips: FIRST in the context of other facilities - abstract

15.30 G. Melnick: SWAS - Observational performance and lessons learned - abstract

16.00 T. Nakagawa: The ASTRO-F survey as input for FIRST - abstract - talkPDF(293kb) - talkPPT(1222kb)

16.30 J.-L. Puget: The IR background and potential FIRST and Planck synergies

17.00 coffee break + posters

Session 4: A taster of FIRST science

17.30 M. Rowan-Robinson: Deep surveys and source counts - abstract

18.00 P. André: The earliest stages of star formation - Protostars and dense cores - abstract

18.30 D. Bockelée-Morvan: Comets and asteroids with FIRST - abstract

19.30 Welcome drink at San Pedro Martir

Wednesday 13 December 2000

08.30 Registration

Session 5: Extragalactic surveys & star formation

09.00 A. Franceschini: Deep surveys with FIRST and cosmology - A revised case - abstract

09.30 A. Lawrence: Quasars, starbursts, and the cosmic energy budget - abstract

10.00 A. Fuente: Outflow dynamics, accretion disks, and chemical abundances - abstract

10.30 E. van Dishoeck: Molecular line surveys of star-forming regions with FIRST - abstract

11.00 coffee break + posters

Session 6a: Extragalactic surveys

11.30 P. Andreani: Simulations of the infrared sky - abstract

11.50 S. Oliver: Extra-galactic field surveys with FIRST - Practical considerations - abstract - talkPDF(622kb) - talkPPT(521kb)

12.10 I. Pérez-Fournon: Optical and near-IR follow-up of the European Large Area ISO Survey - abstract

12.30 M. Stickel: The ISO 170 µm serendipity survey - abstract

13.00 lunch break

Session 6b: Star formation

11.30 Th. Henning: Physics of high-mass star formation - Contributions from PACS - abstract

11.45 P. Saraceno: Star formation in clusters: From ISO to FIRST - abstract

12.00 P. Cox: A 350 µm study of massive star formation regions - abstract

12.15 S. Molinari: Protoclusters and the formation of massive stars - abstract

12.30 B. Nisini: The study of protostellar outflows with FIRST - abstract

12.45 G. White: Probing the centre of the canonical YSO L1551 IRS5 - What we have learned from ISO, and the implications for FIRST science - abstract

13.00 lunch break

Session 7: Far & near

14.30 M. Pettini: Chemical abundances over cosmic time - abstract

15.00 E. Lellouch: Observations of planet and satellite atmospheres and surfaces with FIRST - abstract

15.30 Introduction to panel discussions (plenary session)

16.00 extended coffee break + posters

Session 8ab..: Panel discussions, part 1

17.00 Panel discussions (approx. 2 hours, but can continue until dinner)

Thursday 14 December 2000

08.30 Registration

Session 9: Galaxies & stars

09.00 D. Lutz: Spectroscopy of ultraluminous and interacting galaxies - abstract

09.30 J. Fischer: The promise of FIRST studies of normal and dwarf galaxies - abstract

10.00 J. Cernicharo: H2O in interstellar and circumstellar clouds - What we know and what could be expected from FIRST - abstract

10.30 M. Guélin: Molecular spectroscopy in AGB star envelopes - abstract

11.00 coffee break + posters

Session 10a: Galaxies and galaxy clusters

11.30 M. Giard: FIRST/Planck synergies on clusters of galaxies - abstract

11.45 M. Haas: Dust in PG quasars as seen by ISO - abstract

12.00 L. Tacconi: Stellar and gas dynamics in ultraluminous mergers - abstract

12.15 L. Spinoglio: Far-infrared energy distributions of active galaxies in the local universe and beyond - From ISO to FIRST - abstract

12.30 I. Márquez: Mid-FIR properties of ELAIS sources - abstract

12.45 M. Sauvage: Mid-IR properties of normal spirals - Questions for the Far-IR - abstract

13.00 lunch break

Session 10b: Evolved stars and dust, part 1

11.30 F. Kerschbaum: The promise for AGB stars - The physics/chemistry of the inner circumstellar envelope, and the mass loss history - abstract

11.45 F. Herpin: Evolution of carbon-rich proto-planetary objects - abstract

12.00 V. Bujarrabal: Excitation and dynamics of the gas in planetary and proto-planetary nebulae - Optical, IR, and mm-wave data - abstract

12.15 A. Castro-Carrizo: ISO observations of atomic fine-structure lines from proto-planetary nebulae - abstract

12.30 J. Trujillo Bueno: Very fast iterative methods for radiative transfer applications - abstract

12.45 A. Asensio Ramos: Radiative transfer in molecular lines - abstract

13.00 lunch break

Session 11a: Extragalactic spectroscopy and C+

14.30 P. van der Werf: Extragalactic astronomy with HIFI - abstract

14.45 S. Malhotra: FIR spectroscopic signatures of young galaxies - abstract

15.00 S. Madden: Heating and cooling of the ISM in low metallicity environments - abstract

15.15 S. Garcia-Burillo: Extragalactic chemistry of starbursts - abstract

15.30 T. Fritz: Tracing the molecular gas in starforming dwarf galaxies - The need for CII observations - abstract

15.45 extended coffee break + posters

Session 11b: Water, ISM, and spectroscopy

14.30 E. González-Alfonso: Models of H2O emission/absorption in molecular clouds and circumstellar envelopes - abstract

14.45 C.Ceccarelli: Water line emission from the envelopes surrounding solar type protostars - abstract

15.00 E. Caux: Large atomic oxygen abundances observed toward molecular clouds - abstract

15.15 E. Habart: Observations of a nonstationary PDR - abstract

15.30 M. Houde: Using FIRST to probe the magnetic field with low-mass molecular ions - abstract

15.45 extended coffee break + posters

Session 12ab..: Panel discussions, part 2

16.30 Panel discussions - summary part 1 (plenary session)

17.00 Panel discussions (approx. 2 hours, but can continue until dinner)

20.00 Conference dinner with after dinner talk by M. Harwit - venue Hotel Beatriz

Friday 15 December 2000

08.30 Registration

Session 13: Circumstellar and interstellar matter

09.00 M. Barlow: Evolved stars, post-AGB objects and planetary nebulae - Dust properties and energy distributions - abstract

09.30 M. Gerin: The diffuse interstellar medium - abstract

10.00 X. Tielens: From ISM dust to protoplanetary dust

10.30 coffee break + poster dismounting

Session 14a: Instruments

11.00 J.-Ph. Bernard: Implications of the PRONAOS observations for large scale surveys with FIRST - abstract

11.15 I. Ristorcelli: ELISA - A small balloon-borne experiment to guide future observations with FIRST - abstract

11.30 D. Scott: The balloon-borne large aperture submillimetre telescope (BLAST) - abstract

11.45 P. Schilke: Strategies for HIFI line surveys - abstract

12.00 J. Stutzki: Absorption measurements of cold halo gas - FIRST's sensitivity - abstract

12.15 R. Liseau: The submillimetre satellite ODIN - abstract

12.30 E. Gaztanaga: The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT/GTM) in relation to FIRST - abstract

12.45 lunch break

Session 14b: Evolved stars and dust, part 2 & Galactic surveys

11.00 F. Boulanger: The physics of cold matter far from UV sources - abstract

11.15 A. Abergel: Mapping the evolution of dust particles in the cold ISM - abstract

11.30 C. Joblin: Search for PAH-like species with HIFI - abstract

11.45 B. Stepnik: Evolution of the dust properties in a translucent cloud - abstract

12.00 K. van der Hucht: Active dust formation by population I Wolf-Rayet WC stars - abstract

12.15 D. Johnstone: JCMT SCUBA-diving in nearby molecular clouds - The case for large systematic surveys with FIRST - abstract

12.30 T. Prusti: Young stellar clusters: from ISO to FIRST - abstract

12.45 lunch break

Session 15: Panel reporting and conference summary

14.15 Panel discussion reports

16.15 Conference summary and wrapping up

16.45 END of formal programme


In alphabethical order after the first author

  1. J. Alcolea: The origin of the bipolarity in the post-AGB evolution: the case of OH 231.8+4.2 - abstract

  2. M. Benedettini: The circumstellar environment of MWC297: ISO results and FIRST expectations - abstract

  3. A. Boselli: The 12CO(1-0) to H2 conversion factor in normal late-type galaxies:the contribution of FIRST - abstract

  4. V. Buat: The FIR/submm end far-ultraviolet emissions of galaxies: The FIRST and GALEX surveys - abstract

  5. M. Burgdorf: ISO Far-Infrared Spectroscopic Observations of Jupiter - abstract

  6. F. Cabrera-Guerra: Spectroscopic properties of new IR galaxies detected in the European Large Area ISO Survey - abstract

  7. J. Cepa: OSIRIS-FIRST Scientific Program - abstract

  8. S. Chan: On the nature of carbon stars - abstract

  9. C. Codella: Waiting for FIRST: The Evolution of Molecular Outflows - abstract

  10. C. Codella: Star Formation in the Bright Rimmed Globule IC1396N - abstract

  11. C. Comito: Simulating a FIRST sight: spectral line surveys at THz frequencies - abstract

  12. A. Coustenis: Titan observations with ISO - abstract

  13. Th. Encrenaz: Observations of Mars at Infrared and Microwave Wavelengths: Perspectives For First - abstract

  14. M. Fich: Water in Star Forming Regions - abstract

  15. T. Giannini: Far Infrared line cooling in Class 0 objects - abstract

  16. J. Goicoechea: Spectroscopy of Key molecular species in the Far-Infrared - abstract

  17. J. Goicoechea: The Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectrum of CRL 618 - abstract

  18. E. Gonzalez-Solares: Deep Optical and Near-IR imaging in the ELAIS areas - abstract

  19. E. Gregersen: Infall in starless cores - abstract

  20. J. Gromke: Combined Cosmology Programs with SPIRE and Planck HFI - abstract

  21. V. Gromov: Project Submillimetron: The Cryogenic Telescope for the International Space Station - abstract

  22. L. Hanlon: Far-infrared observations of gamma-ray bursts and possibilities with FIRST - abstract

  23. A. Heithausen: The structure of cirrus clouds at different galactic altitudes - abstract

  24. D. Huber: Fragmentation in Kinematically Cold Disks - abstract

  25. T. Jacq: Water abundance: first interferometer maps of H218O and other water isotopes towards hot molecular cores - abstract

  26. W. Langer: Pre-Protostellar Core Properties from Far-IR Observations - abstract

  27. B. Lefloch: Hot Dust Around Warm Stars in the Trifid Nebula - abstract

  28. D. Lis: Quiescent Giant Molecular Cloud Cores in the Galactic Center - abstract

  29. D. Lorenzetti: Far IR Spectroscopy of Pre-Main Sequence Stars: The Lesson Learned from ISO and Perspectives - abstract

  30. S. Maret: High rotational lines from the Orion BN/KL star forming region - abstract

  31. I. Marquez: C+ in LINERs Galaxies - abstract

  32. B. Matthews: FIRST Observations in Low-Intermediate Mass Star Forming Regions - abstract

  33. A. Melchior: Simulating galaxy surveys with FIRST (PACS & SPIRE) - abstract

  34. M. Miville-Deschenes: The abundance of small dust particles in cirrus clouds: the impact of turbulence and the implication for the thermal balance of the gas - abstract

  35. T. Nakagawa: SPICA (Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics): a mission optimized for mid- and far-infrared astronomy - abstract

  36. L. Pagani: L134N revisited - abstract

  37. G. Petitpas: Atomic Carbon in Twin Peaked Starburst Galaxies - abstract

  38. J. Rizzo: Signposts of massive stellar evolution onto the ambient neutral gas. The case of NGC 2359 - abstract

  39. N. Rodriguez-Fernandez: The Galactic center Interstellar Medium: from ISO to FIRST - abstract

  40. M. Senent: MRCI/CASSCF study of the structures and spectroscopic properties of C3, C3H+ and C3H - abstract

  41. V. Shematovich: A Monte Carlo code for radiative transfer in molecular lines: Application for CO and water lines in circumstellar shells - abstract

  42. L. Spinoglio: Water cooling in protostellar objects: results of the ISO-LWS and the future role of FIRST - abstract

  43. H. Sugita: Preliminary Thermal Design Analysis of Large-Sized Infrared Telescope for SPICA - abstract

  44. N. Tothill: Dust and Gas Temperatures in Orion B - abstract

  45. C. Vastel: Modelisation of the PDR in the HII region W49N - abstract

  46. C. Vastel: High resolution ISO-LWS observations of [OI] in absorption towards Sagittarius B2 - abstract

  47. M. Willaime: ISO observations of M31 : the need of FIRST - abstract

  48. H. Wozniak: Structure of the MIR emission in the circum-nuclear regions of active and/or starburst galaxies - abstract

  49. A. Zavagno: Dust distribution in Galactic compact HII regions ISOCAM view and the promise of FIRST - abstract

[last update this page: 29 January 2001 by Göran Pilbratt]