Herschel Space Observatory Calibration Workshop: Models and Observations of astronomical calibration sources
Wednesday, December 1st
Plenary session (Chair: M. Harwit)
G.L. Pilbratt
The Herschel Space Observatory
F. Helmich
HIFI - The heterodyne instrument for the infrared calibration
U. Klaas
PACS calibration strategy
T. Lim
SPIRE calibration strategy
G.S. Orton
Solar system objects as radiance calibrators in the far-infrared
and submillimeter
F. Kerschbaum
Solid state features in the far-infrared
Splinter 1: Mars and Giant Planets (Chairs: F. Helmich/C. Kramer)
F. Helmich/C. Kramer
E. Bergin
Observations of planets with SWAS: Calibration and science
B. Butler
Mars as a Far-IR/submm calibrator?
P. Hartogh
General circulation- and submm radiative transfer modeling of
the Martian atmosphere at MPS
J.R. Pardo
Broadband submillimetre measurements of the Giant Planets'
brightness temperature
M.D. Hofstadter
The observed variability of the Uranian atmosphere
R. Moreno
Models of the Giant Planets
Thursday, December 2nd
Splinter 2: Asteroids and satellites (Chairs: P. Hargrave/T. Lim)
P. Hargrave/T. Lim
B. Bhattacharya
Spitzer and asteroids as calibrators
First Solar System Results from Spitzer
T. Ootsubo
Establishment of asteroidal calibrators for far-infrared
and sub-mm observations
R. Moreno
Satellites as calibrators and models
Th. Mueller
The Asteroid preparatory programme for HERSCHEL, ASTRO-F and ALMA
Splinter 3: Stars and secondary calibrators (Chairs: J. Blommaert/M. Groenewegen)
J. Blommaert/
M. Groenewegen
M. Cohen
Stellar calibrators for HERSCHEL/SPIRE and PACS
L. Decin
Modeling of stellar atmospheres in the far-infrared
P. Abraham
Secondary standards for ISOPHOT
G. Sandell
Secondary Calibrators at sub-mm wavelengths
V. Bujarrabal
Observations and models of molecular line emission from late stars
Friday, December 3rd
Plenary session (Chair: Th. De Graauw)
F. Helmich/C. Kramer
Conclusions of splinter 1
P. Hargrave/T. Lim
Conclusions of splinter 2
Conclusions of splinter 3
J. Blommaert/
M. Groenewegen
C. Kiss
The impact of cirrus confusion noise for Herschel/PACS
Splinter 4: Calibration and cross-calibration strategies (Chairs: A.M. Heras/S.J. Leeks)
S.J. Leeks/A.M. Heras
V. Tolls
SWAS Calibration Strategy
P. Abraham
ISOPHOT-related calibration work at Konkoly Observatory
B. Bhattacharya
Spitzer calibration strategy
G. Sandell
Calibration strategies at JCMT
I. Yamamura
Calibration plan of the ASTRO-F Mission
J.M. Lamarre
Calibration of the Planck-HFI instrument: can it be used for Herschel?
B. Butler
ALMA calibration strategy
A.M. Heras
Herschel cross-calibration strategy
Plenary session
A.M. Heras
Conclusions of splinter 4, future plans and closure