Herschel Observers' Manual

Announcement of Opportunity for Open Time Programmes

HERSCHEL-HSC-DOC-0876, version 3 (Post-launch version)
2010 April 30

Table of Contents

1. Mission phases
1.1. Completed mission phases
1.1.1. Early mission history
1.1.2. Commissioning Phase
1.1.3. Performance Verification (PV) Phase
1.1.4. Science Demonstration Phase (SDP)
1.1.5. HIFI Priority Science Programme (PSP)
1.2. Current and future mission phases
1.2.1. Routine operations (Routine Phase)
1.2.2. Post-Operations Phase
1.2.3. Archive Phase
2. The Observatory
2.1. Spacecraft overview
2.1.1. Herschel Extended Payload Module
2.1.2. The Service Module (SVM)
2.1.3. Spacecraft Axes definition.
2.2. Spacecraft orbit and operation
2.3. Sky visibility
2.4. Herschel pointing performance
2.4.1. Pointing accuracy definitions
2.4.2. Pointing performance
2.4.3. Gyro propagation mode
3. Overview of scientific capabilities
3.1. General aspects
3.2. Photometry with Herschel
3.2.1. Instrument capabilities
3.2.2. Using SPIRE and PACS in parallel
3.3. Spectroscopy with Herschel
4. Space Environment
4.1. Background radiation
4.1.1. Telescope background
4.1.2. Instruments
4.1.3. Celestial background
4.2. Radiation environment
4.3. Source confusion
4.4. Straylight
5. Ground Segment
5.1. Ground Segment Overview
5.2. From proposal to observations
5.3. Calibration observations
6. Observing with Herschel
6.1. Introduction to HSpot
6.1.1. Keeping HSpot up to date
6.1.2. Will HSpot run on my computer?
6.1.3. Proposal presentation
6.2. Types of target
6.2.1. Fixed targets
6.2.2. Moving targets
6.3. AOT entry
6.4. Constraints on observations
6.4.1. Chopper avoidance angles
6.4.2. Map orientation constraints
6.4.3. Fixed time observations
6.4.4. Concatenation of observations
6.5. Limiting length of observations
6.5.1. Fixed targets
6.5.2. Moving targets
6.6. Observing overheads
6.6.1. Telescope slew time
6.6.2. Scans and rasters
6.6.3. Internal calibration
6.6.4. Constrained observations
6.7. Details to take into account in the observation of moving targets
6.7.1. Background and PA variations
6.7.2. Satellite visibility
7. Mission Planning and Observation Execution
7.1. Mission planning activities
7.2. The execution of the observations
8. Herschel Data Processing
8.1. Herschel Data Products
8.2. Standard Product Generation
8.3. Quality control
8.4. Herschel Science Archive
8.5. Herschel Interactive Processing Environment
9. Acronyms
10. Acknowledgements
11. Change record

List of Figures

1.1. Roll-out of the launcher for the Herschel-Planck mission on 12 May 2009.
1.2. Launch of the Herschel-Planck mission on an Ariane 5-ECA at 13:12UT on 14 May 2009.
1.3. A sequence of images taken by British amateur astronomer Richard Miles using the 2-m Fawkes South Telescope in Australia of Herschel (identified), Planck and the Sylda 26 hours after launch at approximately half the distance to the Moon.
1.4. The telemetry received at MOC showing the oscillation in gyro response as the cryocover swung open.
1.5. The Sneak Preview images of M51 in the three PACS bands, taken blind after cryocover opening.
1.6. Nebula RCW 120 in Scorpius, observed with PACS and SPIRE on 23 April 2010. This RBG image uses the PACS 100 and 160 micron bands for B and G respectively and SPIRE for the R. A giant star forming in the centre is blowing away the surrounding gas and dust to form the bubble.
2.1. The Herschel spacecraft has a modular design. On the left, facing the "warm" side and on the right, facing the "cold" side of the spacecraft, the middle image names the major components.
2.2. The Herschel telescope flight model.
2.3. The Herschel cryostat.
2.4. The Herschel service module.
2.5. Herschel s/c axes (from [RD1])
2.6. Left: Position of the Lagrange points for the Sun-Earth/Moon system. L2 lies 1.5 million kilometres from Earth. Right: An example of a Lissajous orbit around L2. The orbit x and y-axis are as shown in the plot on the left, the z-axis is normal to paper.
2.7. A 3D representation of a large halo orbit around L2. The Earth is located at (0,0,0). Red tracks are the projection on the three orthogonal planes of the 3D orbit (blue track).
2.8. Top: The sky visibility across the sky as a fraction of the total hours through the Herschel mission, represented as a colour scale (shown at right) where black represents 30% visibility and white represents permanent sky visibility. Bottom: sky visibility for two sample dates. Shadowed areas represent inaccessible sky areas.
2.9. Diagram of the Herschel/Planck avionics.
3.1. The Herschel Focal Plane.
4.1. Temperatures of the primary mirror (M1), secondary mirror (M2) and cryostat vacumm vessel (CVV) measured from OD50 to OD351. The monotonic increase of temperature from up to OD300 is well correlated to the seasonal temperature variation model.
4.2. Brightness of the night sky, excluding contribution of the extragalactic background (from [RD5], adapted from Leinert et al. 1998, A&A, 127, 1). The spectral range covered by the PACS and SPIRE instruments of the Herschel Space Observatory are indicated. Atmospheric contributors, affecting ground-based observation in the optical and NIR, have been also displayed.
4.3. Sample SREM plot showing count rates in three counters (TC1, TC2 and TC3). The slight decline of the count rates can be explained by an increased solar activity and the subsequent increase of shielding to Galactic cosmic rays.
4.4. Cumulative (left) and differential (right) 24 μm number counts from [RD10]. The differential counts have been normalised to an Euclidean slope, dN/dSν Sν-2.5. The curves show predictions from different recent models, including that from Lagache et al. 2003.
4.5. Comparison of straylight optical models produced by M. Ferlet (priv. comm.) and observational results. In the top row, a Herschel observation has been planned with Jupiter in position 'I', while in the bottom row the Moon has been placed in position 'F'. In both cases, there is a very good agreement between the model prediction and the straylight results.
5.1. Herschel Space Observatory Ground Segment
6.1. Position angle variation for sources on the ecliptic and at the ecliptic pole, in the zone of permanent sky visibility. For sources at intermediate ecliptic latitude the annual range of variation of PA will be between these two extremes. These plots were made originally for a Herschel launch in 2007, but the range and timescale of variation remains unaltered for the actual launch date.
6.2. An illustrative example. The position angle variation for PACS for an object at an ecliptic latitude of 59.5 degrees, close to the point of permanent visibility. The horizontal position is PA=000 degrees. The plotted positions of the PACS imaging detectors are for a hypothetical case with 2008 March 31st (start of visibility window) PA=127.4 degrees, 2008 June 15th (mid-window) PA=054.6 degrees, 2008 September 10th (end of visibility window) PA=333.7 degrees. The situation is effectively identical for other dates.
6.3. PA variation for a typical solar system object: Neptune's satellite Triton. Note how the PA variations over the course of a full observing window amount to less than 2 degrees. This makes it effectively impossible to accomodate map orientation or chopper angle avoidance constraints. Although this example was calculated originally for a Herschel launch in 2007, the amplitude and timescale of variation remains the same for the actual launch date.
6.4. The background variation for Triton at 80 microns. The background is dominated at this wavelength by the Zodiacal Light contribution. As the elongation changes over the course of the observing window the background effectively doubles with time. At longer wavelength the ISM component will also change as the target moves across areas of different background. For objects relatively close to the Sun the ISM component may vary enormously in a comparatively short space of time. Although this example was calculated originally for a Herschel launch in 2007, the amplitude and timescale of variation remains the same for the actual launch date.
6.5. The variation of the elongation of Io from the centre of Jupiter with time. The area in grey is the region when Io is either superimposed on the disk of Jupiter (in transit) or behind the disk of Jupiter (occulted). HSpot does not warn the user if visibility of a planetary satellite is limited in this way.
6.6. The variation in the offset of Io from the centre of Jupiter through an entire visibility window. The grey ellipse represents the approximate mean size of the disk of Jupiter. Note that the entire area of this plot is smaller than the field of view of either PACS or SPIRE. If requesting observations of a planetary satellite the observer should check the visibility of the satellite using the JPL Horizons program at the url: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi.
7.1. The Mission Planning Cycle used for the KP phase

List of Tables

1.1. Herschel mission key dates. Only approximate dates can be assigned to the different mission phases as there is inevitably a progressive transition between mission phases rather than a sharp one; in extreme cases there may be activities from three different mission phases progressing simultaneously and, in some cases, the start and end of a phase is a matter of definition and different dates could be given to the ones that appear here. In particular, HIFI recovery activities meant that CoP and PV days were scheduled months after the nominal end of these phases. Similarly, as reflected by this table, occasional PV days were being scheduled for PACS and SPIRE long after even routine observations had started.
2.1. Herschel Spacecraft key characteristics
2.2. The Herschel Telescope's predicted characteristics at working temperature (70 K)
2.3. Nominal exclusion angles (half-cones) for observation towards major planets
2.4. Herschel pointing requirements (from SRS v3.2) compared with predictions and measured performance
3.1. The main imaging capabilities of PACS and SPIRE. Please note that the wavelength range of detector sensitivity is approximate and the instrument sensitivities depend on the observing mode, so the values given are only orientative: please consult the relevant observing manual for more detailed values.
3.2. The main spectroscopic capabilities of PACS, SPIRE and HIFI. For more details please check the relevant instrument manual.
4.1. PACS and SPIRE measured confusion noise, compared to predictions computed according to photometric and source density criteria. From [RD9]. I.