4.4. Straylight

The Herschel design has been carried out including the instrument optical layout. This approach allows the level of straylight that originates from the various sources at detector level to be provided directly. Therefore, the straylight requirements are given directly as the straylight reaching the detector. The following apply over the full operational wavelength range:

According to current straylight analysis for the orbit configuration of Herschel (see [RD3]), for sources outside the FoV, the straylight radiation is within specification, except for small locations on the sky, where radiation reflected from rectangular hexapod structures can enter the instruments directly. These small locations exist primarily for the Moon. Only two minor paths were found which could be applicable also to the Earth. For the worst-case locations of the Moon, the specification is exceeded by a factor 16.4.

For sources inside the FoV, the requirement is met by a wide margin.

Finally, for thermal self-emission, the requirement is not met. Actual values (expressed as a fraction of the background induced by self-emission of the telescope reflectors) are:

The HSC has created a dedicated working group to study the straylight efffects on the Herschel operations. New models based on the 'as built' optical system have been prepared and observations designed to verify the models. Figure 4.5 .

Comparison of straylight optical models produced by M. Ferlet (priv. comm.) and observational results. In the top row, a Herschel observation has been planned with Jupiter in position 'I', while in the bottom row the Moon has been placed in position 'F'. In both cases, there is a very good agreement between the model prediction and the straylight results.

Figure 4.5. Comparison of straylight optical models produced by M. Ferlet (priv. comm.) and observational results. In the top row, a Herschel observation has been planned with Jupiter in position 'I', while in the bottom row the Moon has been placed in position 'F'. In both cases, there is a very good agreement between the model prediction and the straylight results.