PACS Calibration Information Package
             prepared by PACS ICC Calibration Working Group

The package contains the following information:

1) General instrument overview
   The latest overview on the instrument design, the instrument development
   status, the foreseen observing modes and system performance are summarized
   in a SPIE paper presented by the PACS PI and consortium at the SPIE meeting
   at Glasgow in 2004.

--> spie04_pacs_5487-17.pdf

2) General calibration aspects
   Calibration aspects from module level to the full system calibration,
   including observation mode optimisation, cross-calibration and telescope
   performance are compiled in the (yet incomplete) PACS Calibration Document
   (PCD). This document will finally provide the calibration requirements as
   well as calibration implementation and analysis procedures both for
   on-ground as well as in-flight calibration.

--> PCDdraft7_PACS-MA-GS-001.pdf

3) Photometric calibration
   As main FIR photometric calibrators, planets, asteroids and stars are
   foreseen. Planets cover the high (differential) flux range, stars the low
   flux range, asteroids will provide the largest range from intermediate to
   low fluxes. Basic requirements on asteroids and stars have been compiled
   in two notes.

--> PACS_asteroidreq.txt
--> PACS_calstarreq.txt

4) Wavelength calibration
   As a starter wavelength calibrators used for calibrating the ISO LWS
   instrument may be used. These are bright PN and HII regions showing
   several of the strong FIR fine structure lines.

--> PACS_lwswavelengthcalibrators.txt

   However the number of lines is limited and does not provide sufficient
   coverage for the various grating orders. A denser spectrum of lines are
   water emission lines in late type stars.

--> PACS_waterstars.pdf

5) Spatial calibration
   PACS contains the largest ever built FIR array camera. In order to assess
   optical distortions over their field-of-views and provide accurate
   astrometry spatial calibrators with well defined angular baselines (e.g.
   double stars) are needed. Suitable candidates for this type of calibration
   are being searched for.

--> PACS_spatialfields_1.0.pdf