Version 2.0, 20 May 2010
New issue based on in-flight experience (Performance Verification phase and Science Demonstration phase): all sections re-written.
Version 2.1, 28 May 2010
Various minor corrections and typo/formatting corrections.
Analytic formula to compute sensitivity in mini-scan map mode given in Section 5.2
Warning added in Section 5.1.3 that the column "central area point-source sensitivity" is only applicable in the mini-scan map mode.
Version 2.2, 7 April 2011
Version 2.3, 7 June 2011
Various minor updates on the use of the scan-mapping and its performances.
Section 4.4 updated point-source correction factors
Section 4.6 observed beam maps and beam efficiency figures added
Section 4.9 on second-pass spectral ghosts introduced
Section 4.10 Spectrometer flux calibration accuracies updated
Section 4.11 unchopped sensitivity plots added
Section 4.13 new section on pointing accuracy and impact on data
Section 6.1 updates in unchopped line spectroscopy AOT usage
Section 6.2 updates in unchopped range spectroscopy AOT usage
Version 2.5, 3 July 2013
The information about Enclosed Energy Function (EEF) in Section 3.1 is now obsolete. As a temporary measure, pending a full update, Figure 3.2 and Table 3.2 have been marked as "Obsolete" and the appropriate warnings added to the text, along with a comment that, until updated here, the information should be extracted from HIPE.
Various small formatting errors have been corrected.
Figures have been converted to JPEG in the source file as PNG is no longer supported in this version of Docbook.
Version 2.5.1, 9 July 2013
Reference to a pre-launch version of the Technical Note on the photometer PSF updated to the latest version and a link added.
Various additional small formatting errors have been corrected.