5.7. Troubleshooting

The current list of known bugs and issues is updated regularly and kept on the documentation web page from which HSpot can be downloaded. If you think you have found a bug, before reporting it please check the bugs list to discover if it is a 'feature' we already know about. Also check the appropriate section of this Guide and the Herschel Observer's Manual to understand what the software is doing.

If you find a real bug, then please do let us know about it.
  1. Email a description of the problem to the Helpdesk at http://herschel.esac.esa.int/esupport/.

  2. Include the hardware configuration you are using (e.g., Dell Precision Laptop running WindowsXP with 1GB of RAM).

  3. Please attach, where appropriate, the HSpot log file, created in the default directory when you install the software. Each time that you run HSpot, it creates a file called 'hspot_DATE_TIME.log.' The default directories are:

    Windows ME:   
    Windows NT/2000/XP:
    C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\spotherschel 
    Windows Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\AppData\Roaming\spotherschel

The text showing in any error windows that pop up in HSpot should show up in the logfile as well. Logfiles are stored for the last five sessions of HSpot.