The Promise of FIRST

Toledo, Spain, 12-15 December 2000

[Toledo poster (PDF 110kb)]

The Proceedings: ESA SP-460

Deadline: 15 January 2001

Summary. The Proceedings will be published by ESA as ESA SP-460. We will produce them using LaTeX, your input is due on 15 January 2001. Detailed instructions below.


The Proceedings of the `The Promise of FIRST' symposium will be published as an ESA Special Publication (ESA SP-460) in the spring of 2001. The editors are G.L. Pilbratt, J. Cernicharo, A.M. Heras, T. Prusti, together with R. Harris in the ESA Publications Division.

By popular request we have decided to produce the proceedings using LaTeX. Note that we will use LaTeX not only to `format' the proceedings, but also for other purposes. We therefore require all authors to write their papers using the LaTeX template we supply, and to follow the instructions given below.

The page allocations are the following:

Normally for ESA SP publications it is required to hand in camera ready copies of the manuscripts at the time of the conference. However, this time we will do it all electronically, and we have extended the deadline by one month. The deadline for your contribution is 15 January 2001. Earlier submission is strongly encouraged!

Instructions for Authors

In order to make life as simple as possible for you, as well as for us, we have prepared a template and a style file. The template file also contains the detailed instructions for authors. These files are described and available below.

You should start by downloading toledoSample.tex, toledoStyle.cls, and toledoFIRST.eps. You should then run LaTeX on toledoSample.tex to produce the postscript output, i.e. You do need LaTeX 2e (as opposed to the by now very old LaTeX 2.09) on your computer. When you have done this successfully, you have the instructions, and you have validated your LaTeX installation as well. You are now all set to write your own paper!

Should you have any unforeseen problems downloading over the web, the above files are also available by good old ftp as described here:

user: anonymous
password: give your full e-mail address as password
cd pub/Toledo/Instr
get (or mget) the files you want

Writing and Submitting

Since the entire proceedings will be produced as a single unit (rather than the individual papers separately) we need to enforce a naming scheme. This scheme includes the source (.tex) file, all figures, labels, and citations in the file

Use the following unique naming scheme for your contribution: last name plus first initial of the first author, e.g. for F.I.R.S.T. Author the source file should be called authorf.tex. Thus, your first step will be to copy the file toledoSample.tex to authorf.tex.

Figures should be named similarly, namely authorf_fig1.eps, authorf_fig2.eps, etc. If you present more than one paper, please number them as authorf1.tex, authorf2.tex, etc. In this case the corresponding figures should be named authorf1_fig1.eps, authorf1_fig2.eps, etc. and authorf2_fig1.eps, authorf2_fig2.eps, etc.

Labels in your file should also be similarly named, e.g. the label command should look like \label{authorf_yourlabel}. Finally for the references the astroncite and the cite commands should look e.g. like \astroncite{Allen}{1973}{authorf:all73} and \cite{authorf:all73}. This is all illustrated in the toledoSample.tex file as updated on 5 December.

The page format we have adopted - which is probably known to many of you already from e.g. ESLAB proceedings - can `hold' quite a lot of material per page. Thus, also 4 pages is quite substantial. Please make good use of it, but we do ask each author to make sure that the size of the postscript file of his/her article is within the above page limits.

You are not required to fill the allowed space. If the limit is exceeded, however, the editors will automatically cut correspondingly in the article. We reserve the right to do this without approval from the concerned authors in order to avoid delays and assure a quick publication of the proceedings. We kindly ask you not to put us in this situation.

When you are finished you should submit your paper by ftp as described below. You should create a subdirectory called authorf (or authorf1, authorf2) and place your files in this directory. You should ftp your source (.tex) file, all your figures (.eps) files, and the resulting postscript (.ps) file that you produced with LaTeX yourself before submitting, so that we know what you expect your paper to look like. (Just in case in the meantime we decide to update the style file ;-) !)

user: anonymous
password: give your full e-mail address as password
cd pub/Toledo
mkdir authorf (make your subdirectory, use only lowercase letters please)
cd authorf (put yourself in your subdirectory)
put authorf.tex
put (or mput) all your pictures too
put (the LaTeX output file you have produced yourself)

If you are on a unix/linux system, it is fine to gzip the big files, or even better to make a tar file (call it authorf.tar), to gzip it, and then to ftp the authorf.tar.gz file instead of the individual files. We do not require that, however.

When you have ftped your files across, please send an email to {email address deleted} telling us that you have submitted your paper!

The deadline for submitting papers is 15 January 2001. Please, note that contributions submitted after this date may not be included in the conference proceedings.

Contact points

Should you have any unforeseen problems related to the proceedings as a whole, please contact Bob Harris. For problems related to these instructions, send an email to {e-mail deleted} and you will be contacted by Göran Pilbratt, Ana Heras, or Timo Prusti.

We are looking forward to receiving your contribution!
The Editors

[last update this page: 5 December 2000 by Göran Pilbratt]