5.4. Mini-scan map mode

We advise to use the scan mapping mode even for point-sources, in a so-called "mini-scan map" configuration, with short (3 arcmin) scan legs. The advantages for the scan map mode over the chop-nod point source mode are:

In case of using the scan map mode for point-sources and very small fields we propose the following configuration:

Do not use the homogeneous coverage in mini-scan map mode !

Coverage map for 2 mini scan-maps at array angles of 70 and 110 degrees. The homogeneous, high-coverage area (circle) is about 50 arcsec in diameter.

Figure 5.8.  Coverage map for 2 mini scan-maps at array angles of 70 and 110 degrees. The homogeneous, high-coverage area (circle) is about 50 arcsec in diameter.

The 1 hour point-source sensitivities that can be achieved with this mode are reported Table 3.3

The sensitivity in miniscan map mode is returned in the column "central area point-source sensitivity" in the "instrument performance summary" window.

Otherwise the sensitivity in the central area of the mini-scan map mode can also be directly estimated using the formula in Section 5.2.3 and computing T (on source integration time) as follows:

T = (scan_leg_length/20) * number_of legs * map_repetition_factor