2.3. Sky visibility

The areas of the sky accessible to the Herschel telescope were determined by a number of constraints applicable to Sun, Earth, Moon and other bright solar system objects. In particular, the following constraints were applicable through the mission:

In addition, the following extreme Earth and Moon angles occurred across the mission (to be taken into account for straylight considerations):

In order to avoid straylight pollution and also for safety reasons (to prevent large fluxes of light from reaching detectors), the nominal half-cone exclusion angles listed in Table 2.3 applied to observations towards major planets.

Table 2.3. Nominal exclusion angles (half-cones) for observation towards major planets

a. SPIRE determined that, while Jupiter and possibly Saturn would not damage the instrument, they would have rendered it inoperable for a significant period (possibly even an entire OD)
b. For SPIRE PACS parallel mode both the SPIRE and PACS restrictions applied.
c. HIFI wished to avoid straylight pollution when observing fainter objects with a SSO close to the instrument LoS. The instrument would not be harmed by the presence of a major SSO in the FoV and did, in fact, even use Mars as its primary calibrator.
d. During slews, the detectors were ON (photometry, spectroscopy or parallel mode).
e. During non-SSO PACS observations. PACS also observed these SSOs directly.
SPIRESlew15 arcmin15 arcmin15 arcminYesa
 Pointing1.5 deg1.5 deg1.5 degYesa
HIFISlew36 arcmin36 arcmin36 arcminNoc
 Pointing36 arcmin36 arcmin36 arcminNo
PACSSlewd4 arcmin4 arcmin4 arcminNo
 Pointinge1.5 deg1.5 deg1.5 degNo
Top: The sky visibility across the sky as a fraction of the total hours through the Herschel mission, represented as a colour scale (shown at right) where black represents 30% visibility and white represents permanent sky visibility. Bottom: sky visibility for two sample dates. Shadowed areas represent inaccessible sky areas.
Top: The sky visibility across the sky as a fraction of the total hours through the Herschel mission, represented as a colour scale (shown at right) where black represents 30% visibility and white represents permanent sky visibility. Bottom: sky visibility for two sample dates. Shadowed areas represent inaccessible sky areas.

Figure 2.9. Top: The sky visibility across the sky as a fraction of the total hours through the Herschel mission, represented as a colour scale (shown at right) where black represents 30% visibility and white represents permanent sky visibility. Bottom: sky visibility for two sample dates. Shadowed areas represent inaccessible sky areas.

The time windows when a fixed or moving target or list of targets were visible can be calculated with HSpot. The tool provides an easy way to check in which time intervals a source was visible during the mission. The visibility calculation does not take into account the avoidance cones around Jupiter, Saturn and Mars described above.

The sky visibility for each date has been determined by the launch date (14th May, 2009) and the orbit of the satellite. Considering the nominal duration of the operations, all areas in the sky were visible at least 30% of the time. The sky visibility region moved slowly on a daily basis. The two snapshots at the bottom of Figure 2.9 illustrate the typical sky visibility differences after a 3 month interval; although this was calculated for an different launch date to the actual one, the graphic remains a valid representation of the effect.