Table of Contents
Welcome to the Herschel Space Observatory (aka Herschel) second (and final) in-flight Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for Open Time (OT2) observing proposals!
The purpose of this document, the Executive Summary, is:
to provide the essentials of the OT2 AO information in a brief easy-to-read document, and
to act as a guide for further reading by pointing out what additional information is available.
This document will tell you where you will find the information you are looking for. It is recommended to print the PDF version of this document and to read it all before proceeding to the rest of the AO package.
Please note upfront that the Guaranteed Time part (GT2) of this AO has been performed. The OT2 process starts on 9 June 2011 with the release of the AO package (including this Executive Summary), and the proposal submission deadline is 15 September 2011 at 12:00 UT.