Chapter 3. Change record

Table of Contents

3.1. Bugs removed in HSpot v6.0
3.1.1. General Bugs
3.2. Bugs removed in HSpot v5.0
3.2.1. PACS Bugs
3.2.2. HIFI Bugs
3.2.3. Display Bugs
3.2.4. Catalogue issues
3.3. Bugs removed in HSpot v4.2
3.3.1. PACS Bugs
3.4. Bugs removed in HSpot v3.4
3.4.1. Introduction
3.4.2. General Bugs fixed
3.4.3. SPIRE Spectroscopy Bugs fixed
3.5. Bugs removed in HSpot v3.1
3.5.1. Changes in HSpot v3.1
3.5.2. Bugs removed in HSpot v3.1
3.6. Bugs removed in HSpot v3.0
3.6.1. General issues
3.6.2. PACS bugs
3.6.3. SPIRE Photometer
3.6.4. SPIRE Spectrometer
3.6.5. SPIRE PACS Parallel Mode bugs
3.6.6. Catalogue bugs
3.6.7. Proposal submission

3.1. Bugs removed in HSpot v6.0

3.1.1. General Bugs

  • Duplicating existing aors and saving in a new file may produce a corrupted aor file.

    - Implication for user: The AORs may become corrupted and uneditable. This is due to a library mismatch external to HSpot.

    - Recommended action: It may be possible to edit the XML file on disk with a text editor to restore it, but it is likely that the only solution is to re-do the AORs.