17.7. Modify Co-Investigators

Click on the "Add Co-Investigators" and then the "Modify Co-Investigators..." button in the pop-up that appears to bring up the Co-Investigator window as shown in Figure 17.5, “Proposal Co-I window”. A small window appears where you can modify the information that you have submitted for a Co-Investigator (Figure 17.8, “Proposal Co-I modification window”).

Proposal Submission Tool Co-Investigator window. You can modify the details that need updating. Click on "OK" to update.

Figure 17.8.  Proposal Submission Tool Co-Investigator window. You can modify the details that need updating. Click on "OK" to update.

Click the "OK" button once you have changed the information. The Co-I's details will then be updated in the list (Figure 17.6, “Proposal Co-I information addition”).