Appendix γ. Solar System Objects that have ephemeris information in HSpot

Ephemeris information is given in HSpot for a limited sample of the most likely Herschel targets among Solar System Objects. For objects that are not included in these lists, the observer should contact Helpdesk (


These list are not exhaustive, but rather an approximation to the most likely Solar System targets for observers. Inclusion in the list does not guarantee that Herschel will have the sensitivity or capability to observe the choosen target.

If your intended target is not in the list, please contact the Helpdesk ( at the Herschel Science Centre to get the target included. Please note though that this is not an instant process and is unlikely to be possible in the days before a deadline. Any such requests should be made well in advance of AO closure.

Asteroids: The following are likely calibration targets for Herschel and are included in the HSpot ephemeris database as such.

1 Ceres
2 Pallas
3 Juno
4 Vesta
5 Astraea
6 Hebe
7 Iris
9 Metis
10 Hygiea
12 Victoria
17 Thetis
18 Melpomene
19 Fortuna
20 Massalia
21 Lutetia
23 Thalia
24 Themis 
28 Bellona
29 Amphitrite 
31 Euphrosyne
37 Fides 
40 Harmonia
41 Daphne
42 Isis
47 Aglaja
48 Doris
51 Nemausa
52 Europa
54 Alexandra
56 Melete 
65 Cybele
69 Hesperia
85 Io
88 Thisbe
93 Minerva 
94 Aurora
196 Philomela 
241 Germania 
313 Chaldaea 
354 Eleonora
360 Carlova
423 Diotima
451 Patientia
471 Papagena
505 Cava
511 Davida
532 Herculina
704 Interamnia
776 Berbericia

Near Earth Asteroids: the following are all numbered objects with a predicted close-approach to the Earth during the likely Herschel mission duration. Three objects have more than one close approach during the expected Herschel mission duration.

No.     Name            NAIF ID

  433   Eros            2000433
 3103	Eger            2003103
 3361	Orpheus         2003361
 3838	Epona           2003838
 3988	1986 LA         2003988
 4179	Toutatis        2004179
 4183	Cuno            2004183
 4486	Mithra          2004486
 4581	Asclepius       2004581
 4769	Castalia        2004769
 6239	Minos           2006239
 7341	1991 VK         2007341
 8566	1996 EN         2008566
 8567	1996 HW1        2008567
 9162	1987 OA         2009162
10145	1994 CK1        2010145
11885	1990 SS         2011885
14402	1991 DB         2014402
17274	2000 LC16       2017274
22099	2000 EX106      2022099
23187	2000 PN9        2023187
24761	Ahau            2024761
33342	1998 WT24       2033342
35107	1991 VH         2035107
37655	Illapa          2037655
52768	1998 OR2        2052768
54509	2000 PH5        2054509
54660	2000 UJ1        2054660
65679	1989 UQ         2065679
65690	1991 DG         2065690
65909	1998 FH12       2065909
66146	1998 TU3        2066146
68216	2001 CV26       2068216
85236	1993 KH         2085236
85640	1998 OX4        2085640
85640	1998 OX4        2085640
85770	1998 UP1        2085770
85774	1998 UT18       2085774
85938	1999 DJ4        2085938
85953	1999 FK21       2085953
85989	1999 JD6        2085989
88213	2001 AF2        2088213
88254	2001 FM129      2088254
90367	2003 LC5        2090367
90403	2003 YE45       2090403
99907	1989 VA         2099907
99942	Apophis	        2099942

Comets: The following list includes all the brightest periodic comets that are expected to be visible up to the end of 2011 three potentially bright unnumbered (i.e. first return) objects that were included have now been recovered and numbered and the list updated to reflect this fact - the ephemeris information for these will logically be less precise may well still in some cases be insufficiently accurate to permit observations until the orbit is refined (for example, the ephemeris position for 217P/LINEAR showed a 20 arcsecond difference between the late July and the late September orbit update). The list includes five objects with an Earth approach to within 0.2AU during the likely Herschel mission duration. One non-periodic comet of interest is also included.

In most cases of periodic comets making their first return, it will be necessary for the comet to have been recovered and the ephemeris corrected, for observations to be possible with Herschel.

Name                            NAIF ID
2P/Encke                        1000025
6P/d'Arrest                     1000017
9P/Tempel 1                     1000093
10P/Tempel 2                    1000094
15P/Finlay                      1000027
19P/Borrelly                    1000005
21P/Giacobini-Zinner            1000032
22P/Kopff                       1000054
27P/Crommelin                   1000016
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1      1000079
43P/Wolf-Harrington             1000111
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova     1000045
64P/Swift-Gehrels               1000090
65P/Gunn                        1000035
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko       1000012
73P-B/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3    1000320
73P-C/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3    1000081
78P/Gehrels 2                   1000030
81P/Wild 2                      1000107
85P/Boethin                     1000004
88P/Howell                      1000046
96P/Machholz 1                  1000061
103P/Hartley                    1000041
116P/Wild 4                     1000122
118P/Shoemaker-Levy 4           1000150
144P/Kushida                    1000148
169P/NEAT                       1001656
189P/2002 O5 (NEAT)             1000400
217P/2001 MD7 (LINEAR)          1000345
222P/2004 X1 (LINEAR)           1000530
C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)           1000132
C/2006 W3 (Christensen)         1002430
P/2006 T1 (Levy)                1002422
C/2007 Q3 (Siding Spring)       1002472
C/2008 Q3 (Garradd)             1002990

TNOs and dwarf planets: The largest known TNOs to date are included. Note that there are multiple NAIF IDs for Pluto.

No.     Name/designation        NAIF
20000   Varuna                  2020000
28978   Ixion                   2028978
50000   Quoaor                  2050000
55565   2002 AW197               2055565
90377   Sedna                   2090377
90482   Orcus                   2090482
134340  Pluto                   9, 999, 2134340
136108  2003 EL61                2136108
136199  Eris = 2003 UB313        2136199
136472  2005 FY9                 2136472

Planetary bodies: Only planets observable by Herschel are included. Note that planetary centres are NAIF IDs ending with "99", barycentres are single-digit NAIF IDs. For the purposes of Herschel planning the two positions can be regarded as equivalent.

Mars             4, 499
Jupiter          5, 599
Saturn           6, 699
Uranus           7, 799
Neptune          8, 899

Major planetary satellites: the list excludes objects that have a maximum elongation from their parent body too small to make them feasible targets for Herschel. Stray light may be an important issue in some cases.

Io                501
Europa            502
Ganymede          503
Callisto          504

Mimas             601
Enceladus         602
Tethys            603
Dione             604
Rhea              605
Titan             606
Hyperion          607
Iapetus           608
Phoebe            609

Titania           703
Oberon            704
Sycorax           707

Triton            801

Additional TNOs and Centaurs included in an expanded list of Solar System bodies in HSpot v3.0.7 and further expanded in HSpot v3.3.3.

Numbered TNOs and Centaurs:

    2060 Chiron
    5145 Pholus
    8405 Asbolus
   10199 Chariklo
   10370 Hylonome
   12929 1999 TZ1
   15788 1993 SB
   15820 1994 TB
   15874 1996 TL66
   15875 1996 TP66
   19308 1996 TO66
   19521 Chaos
   24835 1995 SM55
   26181 1996 GQ21
   26308 1998 SM165
   26375 1999 DE9
   29981 1999 TD10
   31824 Elatus
   32532 Thereus
   32929 1995 QY9
   33128 1998 BU48
   33340 1998 VG44
   35671 1998 SN165
   38628 Huya
   40314 1999 KR16
   42301 2001 UR163
   42355 Typhon
   44594 1999 OX3
   47171 1999 TC36
   47932 2000 GN171
   48639 1995 TL8
   52872 Okyrhoe
   54598 Bienor
   55576 Amycus
   55636 2002 TX300
   55637 2002 UX25
   55638 2002 VE95
   60454 2000 CH105
   60558 Echeclus
   60608 2000 EE173
   65489 Ceto
   66652 1999 RZ253
   73480 2002 PN34
   78799 2002 XW93
   79360 1997 CS29
   79978 1999 CC158
   79983 1999 DF9
   80806 2000 CM105
   82075 2000 YW134
   82155 2001 FZ173
   82158 2001 FP185
   83982 Crantor
   84522 2002 TC302
   84719 2002 VR128
   84922 2003 VS2
   86177 1999 RY215
   87555 2000 QB243
   88268 2001 KK76
   88611 Teharonhiawa
   90568 2004 GV9
   91133 1998 HK151
   95625 2002 GX32
   95626 2002 GZ32
  113804 2002 TA207
  119068 2001 KC77
  119069 2001 KN77
  119070 2001 KP77
  119315 2001 SQ73
  119473 2001 UO18
  119878 2002 CY224
  119951 2002 KX14
  119956 2002 PA149
  119979 2002 WC19
  120061 2003 CO1
  120132 2003 FY128
  120178 2003 OP32
  120181 2003 UR292
  120216 2004 EW95
  120347 2004 SB60
  120348 2004 TY364
  126154 2001 YH140
  126155 2001 YJ140
  127546 2002 XU93
  127871 2003 FC128
  133067 2003 FB128
  134860 2000 OJ67
  135182 2001 QT322
  135571 2002 GG32
  136204 2003 WL7
  138537 2000 OK67
  139775 2001 QG298
  143685 2003 SS317
  143707 2003 UY117
  143991 2003 YO179
  144897 2004 UX10
  145451 2005 RM43
  145452 2005 RN43
  145453 2005 RR43
  145474 2005 SA278
  145480 2005 TB190
  145486 2005 UJ438
  148780 2001 UQ18
  149560 2003 QZ91
  150642 2001 CZ31
  174567 2003 MW12 
  175113 2004 PF115

Currently unnumbered TNOs and Centaurs with only a provisional designation.


Not all of these objects will have an ephemeris of sufficient quality to be observable by Herschel. In some cases, particularly single opposition orbits, it will be necessary to obtain astrometry to update the ephemeris before observations can be considered with Herschel. However, even some objects with two or more oppositions for which the second opposition was several years ago may also have significant errors in the ephemeris.

Note that this is a fluid situation and that the current orbit and ephemeris needs to be consulted when planning observations to see if any of the objects listed below have revised orbits since mid-2007.

The following warning flags are shown:

* Objects with possibly unsatisfactory multiopposition orbits (3 σ position error >6-20" from the current ephemeris (when calculated in mid-2007).

** Objects with unsatisfactory multiopposition orbits (3 σ position error >20" extrapolated from the current ephemeris (when calculated in mid-2007), or an orbit for which Horizons could not, at that time, extrapolate an error.

*** Single opposition, short-arc objects with very poor ephemerides.

Please check the Herschel Observers' Manual for information on the constraints imposed by each instrument on the target position accuracy.

1995 SN55  ***
1996 TC68  ***
1996 TS66
1998 XY95  **
1999 CD158
1999 XY143 **
2000 CL104
2000 CN105
2000 GP183 
2000 KK4   
2000 ON67  **
2000 OU69  *
2000 PE30  **
2000 QL251 *
2000 YH2   **
2001 DC106 ***
2001 HY65  
2001 KA77  *
2001 KB77 
2001 KD77  
2001 KN76  
2001 KO77  **
2001 KQ77  *
2001 KU76  
2001 KY76  **
2001 PK47  **
2001 QA298 **
2001 QB298 *
2001 QC298 
2001 QD298 **
2001 QF298 **
2001 QJ298 **
2001 QO297 **
2001 QQ199 
2001 QQ322 **
2001 QR297 **
2001 QR322 
2001 QS297 ***
2001 QS322 **
2001 QU297 ***
2001 QW297 
2001 QX297 **
2001 QX322 
2001 QY297 *
2001 QZ297 **
2001 RU143 **
2001 RX143 **
2001 RZ143 *
2001 XD255 ***
2001 XR254 **
2002 CB249 ***
2002 CP154 ***
2002 CY248 **
2002 GF32  **
2002 GH166 ***
2002 GH32  **
2002 GJ32  **
2002 GN32  ***
2002 GP32  **
2002 GR32  ***
2002 GU32  ***
2002 GV31  **
2002 GV32  **
2002 GY32  **
2002 GZ31  **
2002 JR146 ***
2002 KW14  *
2002 KY14  ***
2002 MS4   
2002 PJ149 ***
2002 PQ145 **
2002 PQ149 ***
2002 PQ152 ***
2002 QX47  **
2002 VD130 **
2002 VT130 *
2002 VU130 
2002 XH91  **
2002 XV93  **
2003 AZ84  
2003 FE128 **
2003 FF128 **
2003 FM129 ***
2003 GH55  **
2003 HC57  **
2003 LE7   ***
2003 QA91  **
2003 QA92  **
2003 QM91  ***
2003 QP91  ***
2003 QR91  **
2003 QW90  *
2003 QX111 **
2003 SQ317 **
2003 UE292 ***
2003 UJ292 ***
2003 UP292 ***
2003 UT292 **
2003 UW292 ***
2003 UZ117 **
2003 WU172 **
2003 WU188 **
2004 EO95  ***
2004 FU148 **
2004 OL12  ***
2004 PA108 **
2004 PG115 ***
2004 PR107 ***
2004 PT107 **
2004 PW107 **
2004 PY107 **
2004 TF282 **
2004 TV357 **
2004 VT75  **
2004 VZ75  **
2004 XA192 ***
2004 XR190 **
2005 EB299 **
2005 EC318 **
2005 EF298 ** 
2005 ER318 **
2005 EX318 ***
2005 EZ296 **
2005 GB187 **
2005 GE187 **
2005 JA175 **
2005 JP179 **
2005 JR179 **
2005 PM21  ***
2005 PR21  **
2005 PU21  **
2005 QU182 ***
2005 RO43  **
2005 RP43  **
2005 RS43  **
2005 VA123 ***
2005 VJ119 **
2005 XN113 ***
2005 XU100 **
2006 HF123 ***
2006 HH123 ***
2006 HJ123 **
2006 HQ122 **
2006 QJ181 ***
2006 RC103 ***
2006 SQ372 **
2006 SX368 **
2006 UX184 ***
2006 UZ184 ***