Click on the "Add Co-Investigators..." button to bring up the Co-Investigator window as shown in Figure 17.5, “Proposal Co-I window”.
Figure 17.5. Proposal Submission Tool Co-Investigator window. Clicking on Add brings up the inset window for input of Co-I information.
Click on "Add..." and a small window appears where you can enter the appropriate information for a Co-Investigator (Figure 17.5, “Proposal Co-I window”).
Click the "OK" button once you have entered the information. The information is added to the list (Figure 17.6, “Proposal Co-I information addition”). Click the "Add..." button to continue to add Co-Investigators. Clicking on a name in the list will activate the other action buttons. You can then insert Co-Investigator names between two others, modify a Co-Investigator’s information (Figure 17.8, “Proposal Co-I modification window”), delete it, or move it up or down in the list.
Figure 17.6. Proposal Submission Tool Co-Investigator window. Click on a name and the other action buttons become active.
Click "Done" in the Co-Investigators window when you have finished entering your list of Co-Investigators. In the "Proposal Submission Tool" main window, the names of the first few Co-Investigators will appear to the right of the Co-Investigators button and the word "Done" will appear to the left if all the information for each Co-I was filled in as shown in Figure 17.7, “Proposal Co-I information completed”.