ESA SP-388: Proceedings of the 30th ESLAB Symposium `Submillimetre
and Far-Infrared Space Instrumentation' (December 1996)
Opening remarks, M.C.E. Huber, ESA Space Science Department ix
Session 1: Scientific requirements
Chairman: M.C.E. Huber
Scientific Drivers for Future High-Resolution
Far-Infrared Spectroscopy in Space (Invited) (.pdf 265kb) 3
E.F. van Dishoeck and F.P. Helmich
Session 2: Photoconductor Detectors and Instruments
Chairmen: A. Poglitsch and G. Stacey
Modelling of Transient Response in Far-Infrared Photoconductors (Invited) 15
N.M. Haegel, C. Newton, J.C. Simoes, and A.M. White
Extrinsic Germanium Photoconductors for Far-IR Astronoym: Research Results and
Works in Progress 21
J.W. Beeman, W.L. Hansen, and E.E Haller
Far-Infrared Stressed Ge:Ga Array for FIRST 25
J. Wolf, R. Katterloher, D. Lemke, U. Grözinger, L. Hermans, O.
Frenzl, D. Engemann, J.W. Beeman and N. Fabbricotti
Suppression of the Radiation-Induced Effects in Ge:Ga Detectors 29
M.Patrashin, H. Shibai, H. Okuda, N. Hiromoto, M. Fujiwara and B. Foulks
The GaAs Photoconductor - Characteristics of LPE Grown Sample Detectors 33
R. Katterloher, G. Jakob, E. Bauser, S. Zehender, E.E. Haller, J.W. Beeman,
T.H. Henning and G.Pilbratt
Far-Infrared Sensitivity of Superconducting Tunnelling Junctions 37
H.Matsuo, T. Noguchi, A. Sakamoto, T. Sato and S-C Shi
Far-Infrared Detector Arrays for a SOFIA Echelle Spectrometer 41
E.F. Erickson, M.R. Haas, J.A. Baltz, S.W. Colgan, D.H. Lynch, M. McKelvey
and J.Wolf
Development of Cryogenic FETs for Far-Infrared Detector Readout 45
Y.Y. Yui, N. Hiromoto, M. Akiba, I. Hosako, and M. Fujiwara
Progress in Growth Techniques of High-Purity GaAs 49
S. Zehender, M. Konuma, L. Silier, E. Czech, E. Bauser and R. Katterloher
Design, Test and Application of Liquid-He Cooled 140-230 µm Scanning
Fabry-Perot with Stressed Ge:Ga Detector for Astrophysical Purposes 53
F.A. Pepe, R. Brodbeck, D.P. Scherrer, G.N. Schenker, D. Bhend, E.
Zimmermann and F.K. Kneubühl
Design Considerations for AIRES, an Airborne Infrared Echelle Spectrometer
for SOFIA 57
M.R. Haas, E.F. Erickson, J.A. Baltz, S.W. Colgan, D.H. Lynch and M. Sablan
Cryogenic Readout Amplifiers for FIRST's Stressed Ge:Ga Array 61
B. Dierickx, J. Seijnaeve and D. Scheffer
Session 3: Optical Components and Methods
Chairmen: R. Padman
Far-Infrared Emissivity Measurements of Reflective Surfaces 69
J. Xu, A.E. Lange and J.J. Bock
Hard Gold Coating 73
M. Detaille
A Compact High-Efficiency Feed Structure for Cosmic Microwave Background
Astronomy at Millimetre Wavelenghts 77
S.E. Church, B.J. Philhour, A.E. Lange, P.A. Ade, B. Maffei, R.
Nartallo-Garcia and M. Drogovan
Self-Supporting Filters for Compact Focal Plane Designs 81
C. Lee, P.A. Ade and C.V. Haynes
LIGA-Fabricated Freestanding Meshes for FIR-Application 85
H.P. Gemünd, E. Kreysa, R. Rupecht, W. Bacher and A. Roberts
Frequency Selective Surfaces for Quasi-Optical Demultiplexing 89
R. Cahill and I.M. Sturland
Achromatic Waveplates for Submillimetre Polarimetry 93
A.G. Murray, P.A. Ade, M.J. Griffin, C.V. Haynes and R. Nartallo
Freestanding Resonant Meshes as Bandpass Filters and Beamsplitters of
Far-Infrared Radiation 95
V.A. Soglasnova, H.P. Gemünd, E. Kreysa and I.A. Maslov
Emission and Scattering by Dust in Submillimetre Instrumentation 99
P.Y. Fourmond and J.M. Lamarre
Session 4: Bolometer Detectors and Instruments
Chairmen: C. Lin and P. Richards
Bolometric Detector Systems for IR and Millimetre-Wave Space Astronomy
(Invited) 105
A.E. Lange, S.E. Church, P.D. Mauskopf, V. Hristov, J.J. Bock, H.M.
Delcastillo, J. Beeman, P.A.R. Ade and M.J. Griffin
Micromachined Bolometer-Arrays with Silicon-Nitride Membranes 111
E. Kreysa, J.W. Beeman and E.E. Haller
Neutron Transmutation Doped (NTD) Germanium Thermistors for Submillimetre
Bolometer Applications 115
E.E. Haller, K.M. Itoh and J.W. Beeman
Infrared Bolometers with Silicon Nitride Micromesh Absorbers 119
J.J. Bock, H.H. DelCastillo, A.D. Turner, J.W. Beeman, A.E. Lange and P.D.
A Superconducting Bolometer with Strong Electrothermal Feedback 123
P.L. Richards, A.T. Lee, J. Gildemeister and S.F. Lee
Testing of 100mK Bolometers for Space Applications 127
A.G. Murray, P.A. Ade, R.S. Bhatia, M.J. Griffin, B. Maffei, R. Nartallo,
J.W. Beeman, J.J. Bock, A. Lange and H. DelCastillo
High-Tc Superconducting Bolometer for Atmospheric OH Observation 131
M.J. de Nivelle, M.P. Bruijn, R. de Vries, J.J. Wijnbergen, P.A. de Korte,
S. Sanchez, M. Elwenspoek, T. Heidenblut, B. Schwierzi, W. Michalke and E.
SCUBA: First Scientific Results from the JCMT 135
W.K. Gear, W.S. Holland, C.R. Cunningham and J.F. Lightfoot
The South Pole imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (SPIFI) 139
G.J. Stacey, C.M. Bradford, M.R. Swain, J.M. Jackson, A.D. Bolato, J.A.
Davidson and M. Savage
Numerical Optimization of Bolometric Infrared Detectors including Optical
Loading, Amplifier Noise and Electrical Nonlinearities 143
P.L. Richards, S.M. Grannan and M.K. Hase
Fast Digital Electronics for Space Bolometers's Modulation System 145
S. Gaertner, M. Giard, A. Benoit, J.M. Lamarre and N. Piat
Session 5: Heterodyne Frontends and Instruments
Chairmen: P. Encrenaz, J. Tauber and T. de Jong
Recent Progress in Submillimetre Heterodyne Receiver Development (Invited) 151
J. Zmuidzinas
Assessment of Submillimetre Heterodyne Mixers for Space Applications 155
H. van de Stadt, J.R. Gao, Th. de Graauw, W. Luinge, K. Wildeman and J.
A Heterodyne Receiver for the Frequency Range 1-6 THz 159
H.W. Hübers, H.P. Röser and G.W. Schwaab
A 850 GHz SIS Receiver Employing Silicon Micro-Machining Technology 163
J.W. Kooi, J. Pety, P.L. Schaffer, T.G. Phillips, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc and
C.K. Walker
Integrated Tuning for NbN SIS Mixer at Terahertz Frequencies 171
V.Yu. Belitsky and E.L. Kollberg
Tunable Solid State p-type Germanium Laser in the Frequency Range from 1-4
THz 175
E. Bründermann, A.M. Linhart, L.A. Reichertz, H.P. Röser, O.D.
Dubon, W.L. Hansen, G.C. Sirmain and E.E. Haller
New Quasi-Optical Circuit Technology for the Submillimetre-Wave Range 179
K. Schünemann, R. Judaschke and M. Shahabadi
Micro-Machined Integrated Components for Terahertz Frequencies 183
J.W. Bowen, L.S. Karatzas, B.M. Towlson, N.J. Cronin, D.A. Brown, S.
Wootton, N. Agbor, J.M. Chamberlain, G.M. Parkhurst, J. Digby, M. Henini,
C. Collins, R.D. Pollard, R.E. Miles, D.P. Steenson and D. Thompson
Acousto-Optical Spectrometers in Space 187
R. Schieder, J. Horn, O. Siebertz, M. Klumb, J. Frerick and V. Tolls
Integrated Submillimetre Heterodyne Receivers (Invited) 193
V.P. Koshelets, S.V. Shitov, L.V. Filippenko, A.M. Baryshev, A.V.
Shchunkin, G.V. Prokopenko, P.G. Litskevitch, Th. de Graauw, W. Luinge, H.
van de Stadt, H. Golstein, H. Schaeffer, T.M. Klapwijk, J.R. Gao, P.
Lehikoinen and J. Mygind
Planar Schottky Technology for Submillimetre Wavelenghts 203
T.W. Crowe, W.L. Bishop, J.L. Hesler, S.M. Marazita, P.J. Koh and D.W.
Hot Electron Mixers for THz Applications 207
H. Ekström, M. Kroug, V. Belitsky, E. Kollberg, H. Olsson, G.
Goltsman, E. Gershenzon, P. Yagoubov, B. Voronov and S. Yngvesson
Diffusion-Cooled Superconducting Hot-Electron Bolometer Heterodyne Mixer at
660 and 800 GHz 211
K. Fiegle, D. Diehl and K. Jacobs
A Heterodyne Instrument for FIRST: HIFI (.html 22kb) 215
N.D. Whyborn
Development of SIS Junctions for Astrophysical Observations 219
G. Sironi, G. Boella, M. Gervasi, A. Vaccari, D. Andreone, L. Brunetti, V.
Lacquaniti, S. Maggi, R. Steni, U. Pisani, G.P. Bava, E. Bava, G. Bonelli,
V. Natale and G. Tofani
Area Reduction Process for Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Josephson Junctions
for SIS Mixer Applications 223
V. Lacquaniti, S. Maggi and R. Steni
Electromagnetic Optimization of SIS-Junction Mixers for Astronomical
Applications 227
G.P. Bava, U. Pisani and L. Brunetti
A Sensitive 1 THz SIS Waveguide Mixer 231
H.van de Stadt, A. Baryshev, P. Dieleman, J.R. Gao, H. Golstein, Th. de
Graauw, W. Hulshoff, T.M. Klapwijk, S. Kovtonvuk and H. Schaeffer
High-frequency Dual Channel SIS Receiver for Ground-based Astronomical
Observations 237
C.E. Honingh, S. Haas, D. Hottgenroth, K. Jacobs, U.U. Graf and J. Stutzki
An Airborne SIS Receiver for Atmospheric Research 241
N.D. Whyborn, J.F. Golstein, W. Hulshoff, A. de Jonge, Q. Kleipool, H.
Küllmann, J. Mees, H.H.A. Schaeffer and J. Urban
A Sensitive SIS Receiver at 424/440 GHz for the PIROG-8 Experiment:
Performance and Considerations on Stability 245
P. Febvre, S. George, A. Deschamps, B. Lecomte and G. Olofsson
Local Oscillator Systems for (Sub)Millimetre Spectroscopy 249
S. Andersson and A. Emrich
Space-qualified, Wide-band and Ultra-wide-band Acousto-Optical
Spectrometers for Millimetre and Submillimetre Radioastronomy 253
A. Lecacheux, C. Rosolen and D. Michet
Autocorrelation Spectrometers for (Sub)Millimetre Spectroscopy 257
A. Emrich and S. Andersson
Terasat - A DLR 1 THz Small Satellite for Astronomical Applications 261
G.W. Schwaab, K. Brieß, K.H. Lehmann, H.P. Röser, F.
Rollenhagen, C. Schalinski, H. Studemund, R. Mauersberger and R. Schieder
Session 6: Cooling Systems
Chairman: T. Bradshaw
Cryogenic Cooling Systems in Space (Invited) 267
C.I. Jewell
Microphonic Susceptibility Testing of 100 mK Bolometric Detectors 277
R.S. Bhatia, P.A.R. Ade, M.J. Griffin, I.D. Hepburn and A.G. Murray
Low Vibration and Temperature Control of Space Cryogenic Coolers 281
F.G. Tichborne
Sorption Cooling of Astrophysics Science Instruments 285
L.A. Wade and A.R. Levy
Helium Adsorption Coolers for Space 289
L. Duband, A. Lange and J. Bock
Design and Development of a 4K Mechanical Cooler for FIRST 293
S.R. Scull, B.G. Jones, T.W. Bradshaw, A.H. Orlowska and C.I. Jewell
The Batch Manufacture of Single Stage Stirling Cycle Coolers for Space
Applications 297
B.G. Jones, S.R. Scull and C.I. Jewell
The FIRST Spacecraft with Mechanical Cryogenic Coolers 301
J. Higgins, P. Villefranche and S. Scull
Cold Links for Space Instrumentation 305
M. Royer and R. Picault
A Possible Cryogen-Free Adiabetic Demagnetization Refrigerator for Space 311
I.D. Hepburn, A. Smith, W. Duncan and N. Kerley
Far Infrared and Submillimetre Instrument Cooling by a He II-Cryostat 315
A. Seidel, R. Birkl, J. Schupp, M. Sander and G. Jochimsen
List of Participants