Overview of KP OT proposals
SCIENCE CATEGORY: Solar system (1)
Proposal ID: KPOT_thmuelle_1
"TNOs are Cool: A Survey of the Transneptunian Region"
Principal Investigator: Thomas Mueller (MPE, Garching)
Over one thousand objects have been discovered orbiting beyond Neptune. These trans-Neptunian
objects (TNOs) represent the primitive remnants of the planetesimal disk from which the
outer planets formed, and is an analog for unseen dust parent-bodies in debris disks observed
around other main-sequence stars. The dynamical and physical properties of these bodies provide
unique and important constraints on formation and evolution models of the outer Solar System.
While the dynamical architecture in this region (also known as the Kuiper Belt) is becoming
relatively clear, the physical properties of the objects are only beginning to be revealed.
In particular, fundamental parameters such as size, albedo, density and thermal properties
are difficult to measure. Measurements of their thermal emission, which peaks at far-IR
wavelengths, offer the best means available to determine those physical properties. While
Spitzer has provided the first results, notably revealing a large albedo diversity in this
population, the increased sensitivity of Herschel and its wavelength coverage will permit
profound advances in the field. We propose to perform radiometric measurements of 141 objects,
including 25 known multiple systems. This large sample will permit: (i) A determination of the
size distribution of the large (> 200 km) objects, thought to have remained unchanged from the
accretion phase. (ii) Systematic searches for correlations between size, albedo, and other
physical and orbital parameters, diagnostic of formation and evolution processes.
(iii) Determination of mass-density for at least 20 binary TNOs, diagnostic of nebular
chemistry and interior structure. (iv) The first study of their thermophysical properties,
including thermal inertia and surface emissivity. When combined with measurements of the dust
population beyond Neptune (e.g. from the New Horizons mission to Pluto and beyond), our
results will provide a benchmark for understanding the solar system debris disk, and extra-solar
ones as well.
SCIENCE CATEGORY: ISM/Star formation (10)
Proposal ID: KPOT_bdent_1
"Gas in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS)"
Principal Investigator: Bill Dent (UK Astronomy Technology Centre)
We propose the first extensive, systematic survey of gas in circumstellar disks
over the critical transition from gas-rich protoplanetary through to gas-poor
debris system. The brightest spectral lines from disks lie in the far-infrared
and arise from radii ~10-500 AU, where giant planets are expected to form. Herschel
is uniquely able to observe this wavelength regime with the sensitivity to allow a
large scale survey. We will carry out a 2-phase PACS study, surveying the fine
structure lines of [CII]157um and [OI]63um in 274 objects, and following up the
brightest sources with observations of H2O and [OI]145um. The gas mass sensitivity,
a few 1e-5 Msun, will be more than an order of magnitude lower than achieved by ISO
and Spitzer and expected for SOFIA. We will also measure the dust continuum to an
equivalent mass sensitivity. Team members include experts in the modeling of disk
structure, chemistry, and radiative transfer necessary to interpret these data. We
will observe nearby clusters in the age range 1-30Myr, encompassing disk masses
1e-2 - 1e-5 Msun, and stellar luminosity 1-100 Lsun. This covers the dominant epoch
of planet formation and the mass from protoplanetary through to young debris disk.
Furthermore our sample is chosen to include a wide range of X-ray & UV flux, and
SED shape, from classical SED Class II, through "transition" disks with inner dust
holes, to disks with small IR excesses. With this extensive dataset, our program
will: - Trace gas and dust in the planet formation region across an extensive
multivariate parameter space - Provide the first definitive measurement of the gas
dissipation timescale in disks - Study the evolutionary link between protoplanetary
and debris disks - Investigate the extent and evolution of warm H2O in the
planet-forming regions of disks, with implications for the volatile content of
developing planets - Provide an extensive database of disk observations and models
with long-lasting legacy value for followup observations
Proposal ID: KPOT_bmatthew_1
"DEBRIS: Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared/Sub-millimetre"
Principal Investigator: Brenda Matthews (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics)
Debris discs are belts of dust particles created from collisions of planetesimals
(comets and asteroids) in extrasolar planetary systems. The prototype disc around
Vega was discovered ~25 years ago by IRAS, and ~20 discs have been imaged to date,
primarily by HST, SCUBA and Spitzer. Despite the relatively low numbers, debris
discs are seen to be extraordinarily diverse in character, including systems with
vast populations of comets or with perturbations by planets at tens of AU from the
host star. Due to this low number, however, our knowledge of debris discs is
incomplete; there has been no unbiased survey specifically designed to image a large
number of discs. Spitzer greatly improved our understanding of the disc-rich A stars
but the number of detections is still low for solar-analogue FGK stars and especially
the numerous M stars. For Herschel, we therefore propose the DEBRIS (``Disc Emission
via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared/Submillimetre") Key Project which will
probe 450 nearby A-M stellar systems for debris and measure Solar System dust levels
in debris discs for the first time. The large sample is statistically robust and
without bias, providing a rich legacy for debris disc and exo-planet science. This
deep, flux-limited survey will obtain PACS 100/160 images of all 450 systems (472 fields
due to wide binaries), and it will be possible to resolve discs toward each one with
the PACS' high resolution. DEBRIS includes SPIRE imaging in systems where debris is
detected with PACS (a rate of 50% is expected). The key science questions are:
(a) which kinds of stars have debris and why? (b) what are the sizes, temperatures
and masses of the debris discs? (c) what is the relation of resolved disc structures
to the exo-planets? and (d) is our Kuiper Belt common or unusual? The Herschel DEBRIS
Key Project will answer these questions using Herschel's high sensitivity, spectral
coverage and resolution. Our team includes world experts in debris discs and exo-planet
science from 8 countries.
Proposal ID: KPOT_ceiroa_1
"Cold Disks around Nearby Stars. A Search for Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt analogues (DUNES: DUst disks around NEarby Stars)"
Principal Investigator: Carlos Eiroa (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
We plan to use the unique photometric capabilities provided by Herschel to perform a
deep and systematic survey for faint, cold debris disks. We propose a sensitivity-limited
Herschel Key Programme that aims at finding and characterizing faint exo-solar analogues
to the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt in a statistical sample of 283 nearby main-sequence stars.
Our sample is volume-limited (distances 25 pc) and covers a decade in stellar mass from
0.2 to 2 solar masses (M- to A-type stars). This will provide an unprecedented lower
limit to the fractional abundance of planetesimal systems, and act as a proxy to assess
the presence of giant planets resembling the roles played by Neptune and Jupiter in the
solar system. We will perform PACS and SPIRE photometric observations covering the
wavelength range from 70 to 500 micron. PACS observations at 100 micron have been designed
to detect the stellar photospheres down to the confusion noise with a signal to noise
ratio at least 5. Observations in the other Herschel bands will allow us to characterize,
model, and constrain the disks. As a result, it will be possible for us to reach
fractional luminosities L(dust)/L(star) a few times 10^(-7), close to the EKB level in
our solar system. The extensive and unique data set will allow us to address some
fundamental questions related to exo-EKBs: - Dependence of planetesimal formation on
stellar mass. - Collisional and dynamical evolution. - Correlation with planets. - Dust
properties and size distribution. Herschel is the first and the only facility for the
foreseeable future which is providing the observational capability required to successfully
addressing the scientific case we are proposing. The outcome of this project has high
science legacy and outreach values that will impact on studies related to planet formation
and planetary systems.
Proposal ID: KPOT_cmarti01_1
"HIGGS: The Herschel Inner Galaxy Gas Survey"
Principal Investigator: Christopher Martin (Oberlin College)
We will investigate the inflow of matter in the bulge of the Milky Way using the HIFI
and PACS instruments on Herschel to observe [C II], [N II], [O I], [O III], and high-J
CO emission lines to determine the relationship between central black holes and their
host galactic bulges and thus the causes and mechanisms of starbursts. As Binney et al.
(1991) have suggested, the gas in closed orbits in the bar of the Milky Way provides a
means to study in detail the accretion processes leading to starbursts and active
galactic nuclei. Shocks effectively transfer some fraction of the clouds' orbital kinetic
energy into heat which escapes through dust continuum and line emission. By measuring
this emission and characterizing the star formation that occurs under these unusual
conditions, we can estimate the amount of orbital energy that has been dissipated and
constrain estimates of the mass inflow from the decaying orbits. For this purpose high
velocity resolution observations of interstellar cooling lines are required. In the
following proposal we discuss how HIFI and PACS observations of [C II], [N II], [O I],
[O III], and high-J CO lines can be combined with existing radio emission line surveys
and far-infrared continuum surveys to identify and estimate the energy loss and resulting
infall motions from clumps in the inner galaxy. Using existing submillimeter-wave spectral
line surveys, we are able to identify those regions lying between 2 kpc and 200 pc of the
Galactic center that are emitting significant terahertz line radiation, and we can
therefore accomplish a comprehensive characterization of gas in the inner galaxy using
pointed Herschel observations. As ALMA comes online, we will be able to use the
understanding produced by this study to understand the gas dynamics of other galaxies and
properly place them in context.
Proposal ID: KPOT_mjuvela_1
"Galactic Cold Cores: A Herschel survey of the source populations revealed by Planck"
Principal Investigator: Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki)
In this programme we propose to study starless cores and the initial conditions of star
formation using the Herschel satellite and the combined power of its PACS and SPIRE
instruments. As the starting point we have the Planck survey that will provide the first
all-sky survey of Galactic cold and compact dust clouds. We will concentrate our study on
mid- and high Galactic latitudes. Our program complements the accepted GT and proposed OT
programs which target the most prominent regions already in the phase of active star
formation. The main objective is to build a coherent observational database representing
the entire cold core population in the Galaxy.
Proposal ID: KPOT_nevans_1
"Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT)"
Principal Investigator: Neal Evans (The University of Texas at Austin)
Dust, ice, and gas evolve as they move from envelopes of forming stars into
circumstellar disks where they can become the main building blocks of planets.
Herschel-PACS is uniquely suited to trace this evolution through broadband emission
from dust, through specific features of solids which reveal elemental composition
and water content, and through spectral bands of the main icy components. Both atomic
and molecular lines, in particular the [O I], H2O and OH lines, will be used to follow
the gas, study the interchange between gas and ice, and trace the oxygen budget. The
gas and dust spectral features are at the same time excellent probes of macroscopic
parameters, such as temperature, UV and X-ray fields, density and thermal structures
of envelopes and disks, and dynamical mixing processes. Our sample covers sources with
a range in evolutionary state from embedded objects with massive envelopes to weak-line
T Tauri stars with dissipating disks, and with a range in luminosity, spectral type,
and dust characteristics. Both our high S/N PACS full spectral range scans (complemented
by Spitzer mid-IR spectral scans) and our targeted, deep gas-phase line measurements
will have lasting archival value.
Proposal ID: KPOT_pgolds01_1
"Herschel Oxygen Project"
Principal Investigator: Paul Goldsmith (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the Universe and as such it plays a
decisive role in the chemistry and physics of molecular clouds. Chemical models have
long predicted that some of the simplest molecules would be the primary reservoirs of
oxygen in space: CO, H2O, and O2, and under these conditions would be major cloud
coolants influencing the evolution of the cloud and the process of star formation.
Molecular oxygen has remained elusive, with results from SWAS and Odin missions
indicating abundances approximately two orders of magnitude below those predicted
by standard gas phase chemistry models. The favored explanation is that oxygen atoms
are tied up as water ice on grain surfaces in the cold, extended regions of clouds
probed with the relatively large beams of previous space observatories. We propose
to use Herschel HIFI to carry out a survey of regions in which the O2 abundance is
predicted to be large due to reestablishment of standard gas phase chemistry. We will
observe a selected group of sources including regions of heated gas surrounding embedded
young stars, photon dominated regions, X-ray dominated regions, and shock-heated regions,
in the 487 and 774 GHz lines of O2, and a subset of these in the 1121 GHz line. We expect
that these sources will be of small angular size, and can be observed using beam switching
in mini line survey mode, to enable sideband deconvolution and minimize interference
from confusing lines of other species. The greatly improved sensitivity of HIFI receivers
and the far smaller Herschel beam relative to SWAS and Odin allow us to probe these regions
to levels below those predicted by sophisticated astrochemical models. By measuring the
O2 abundance, we can verify important aspects of models of these regions, put constraints
on key gas-grain interaction parameters, and probe critical chemistry and physics in
regions that are tracers of recent and prospective star formation.
Proposal ID: KPOT_smolinar_1
"Hi-GAL: the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey"
Principal Investigator: Sergio Molinari (INAF - IFSI)
We propose to use SPIRE and PACS in parallel mode to carry out a 720 sq.deg. unbiased
imaging survey of the entire Galactic Plane of the Milky Way, uniformly sampling a 2°-wide
strip centered on the warped midplane in the 70, 170, 250, 350 and 500um photometric bands.
The Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL) embodies the optimum combination of
Herschel wavelength coverage, sensitivity, mapping strategy and speed to deliver, in a
single and homogeneous dataset of the highest statistical significance, the ultimate
census and characterisation (temperature, luminosity, mass and Spectral Energy Distribution)
of star forming regions and cold ISM structures in all the environments of the Galactic
ecosystem, at unprecedented resolutions, and at all scales from massive objects in
protoclusters to the full spiral arm. This will enable decisive steps toward the formulation
of a global predictive model of the ISM/star formation cyclic transformation process which
is the engine responsible for most of the energy budget in normal star-forming galaxies.
It will be a cornerstone to unveil the evolution of galaxies through redshift back to their
formation. Hi-GAL will also deliver a dataset of extraordinary legacy value for decades to
come, with a strong potential of systematic and serendipitous science in a wide range of
astronomical fields, and enabling the optimum use of future major facilities such as ALMA.
In addition to a suite of enhanced products, including mosaiced images and source catalogues
in all bands, we will create an immediate legacy value by waiving the totality of our
proprietary time. The complete 60-600um view of the Milky Way at 10-35" resolution will be
unique to Herschel, as it is beyond the capabilities of all of the future planned ground-based
and space-borne facilities either for highest resolution (ALMA, SPIRIT, FIRI and SPECS
interferometers) or for highest sensitivity (SPICA and SAFIR actively cooled single-dishes).
Proposal ID: KPOT_tmegeath_2
"The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey (HOPS)"
Principal Investigator: Tom Megeath (University of Toledo)
Understanding protostellar evolution is a necessary step toward characterizing the factors
which ultimately determine the properties of emerging stars and their planetary systems.
We propose PACS imaging and spectroscopy of protostars identified in Spitzer surveys of the
Orion molecular cloud complex. This is the richest known sample of protostars at a common
distance within 450 pc of the Sun. Deep PACS 70 and 160 micron imaging will be obtained for
283 protostars ranging in luminosity from 0.1 to 1000 Lsun and spanning the Class 0,
Class I and flat spectrum evolutionary phases. The high sensitivity and angular resolution
will enable us to measure bolometric luminosities in crowded fields, removing potentially
significant contributions from external heating. In concert with existing near-IR and Spitzer
mid-IR images and spectra, the deep PACS imaging will be used to determine the fundamental
properties of the protostellar envelopes and disks (properties such as envelope structure,
density and angular momentum, disk luminosity). PACS spectroscopy of 37 protostars will be
used to measure water vapor, OH and O lines arising in the envelope, in the accretion shock
onto the central protostellar disk, and in outflows. These data will provide an unparalleled
view of the flow of material from the envelope onto the disk, through the disk to the star,
and away from the star in outflows. The Orion molecular cloud complex contains an
exceptionally wide range of parental gas conditions (i.e. initial conditions) and environments
(from dense clusters to relatively isolated protostars). By comparing the properties of
protostars in different regions of Orion clouds; we will assess the roles of initial conditions,
environment and feedback from outflows in guiding protostellar evolution. These observations
will produce a unique legacy dataset for guiding and testing a theory of protostellar evolution.
Proposal ID: KPOT_wlanger_1
"State of the Diffuse ISM: Galactic Observations of the Terahertz
CII Line (GOT CPlus)"
Principal Investigator: William Langer (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Star formation activity throughout the Galactic disk depends on the thermal and dynamical
state of the interstellar gas, which in turn depends on heating and cooling rates, modulated
by the gravitational potential and shock and turbulent pressures. Molecular cloud formation,
and thus the star formation, may be regulated by pressures in the interstellar medium (ISM).
To understand these processes we need information about the properties of the diffuse atomic
and diffuse molecular gas clouds, and Photon Dominated Regions (PDR). An important tracer of
these regions is the CII line at 158 microns (1900.5 GHz). We propose a "pencil-beam" survey
of CII with HIFI band 7b, based on deep integrations and systematic sparse sampling of the
Galactic disk plus selected targets, totaling over 900 lines of sight. We will detect both
emission and, against the bright inner Galaxy and selected continuum sources, absorption lines.
These spectra will provide the astronomical community with a large rich statistical database
of the diffuse cloud properties throughout the Galaxy for understanding the Milky Way ISM and,
by extension, other galaxies. It will be extremely valuable for determining the properties of
the atomic gas, the role of barometric pressure and turbulence in cloud evolution, and the
properties of the interface between the atomic and molecular clouds. The CII line is one of
the major ISM cooling lines and is present throughout the Galactic plane. It is the strongest
far-IR emission line in the Galaxy, with a total luminosity about a 1000 times that of the
CO J=1-0 line. Combined with other data, it can be used to determine density, pressure, and
radiation environment in gas clouds, and PDRs, and their dynamics via velocity fields. HSO
is the best opportunity over the next several years to probe the ISM in this tracer and will
provide a template for large-scale surveys with dedicated small telescopes and future surveys
of other important ISM tracers.
Proposal ID: KPOT_aedge_1
"Constraining the cold gas and dust in Cluster Cooling Flows"
Principal Investigator: Alastair Edge (University of Durham)
A major cosmological event is the formation of first massive galaxies,
which evolve to the luminous elliptical galaxies of today. Star formation
in these galaxies was regulated and ultimately stifled by energetic AGN
feedback processes, according to simulations. However, the nature of these
processes is open to speculation because at these enormous distances,
observations provide few constraints. Similar processes occur in some low
redshift galaxy clusters where star formation and cold gas is detected in
and around the brightest cluster galaxies. These modern-day analogs provide
us with the opportunity to understand the heating, cooling, and star
formation that occur on a grand scale at high redshift. In this Herschel
Key Project, we will determine the location and mass of cooled gas, along
with its temperature, ionization state, density and cooling rate. These new
data, only possible with Herschel, are supplemented by radio, X-ray, and
optical studies of the stars, hot gas, and AGN activity. To accomplish our
goals, we will use PACS to measure the line strengths of [OI], [OIII], [NII],
[CII] and [SiI], major coolants at low temperatures that also reflect the
ionization state of the gas. The requested PACS and SPIRE photometry will
determine the distribution of dust temperatures and masses, including the
detection of the coolest gas clouds. These datasets will reveal the pathway
from the hot ambient medium to cool gas to star formation, a process that
was widespread when the universe was young.
Proposal ID: KPOT_ckrame01_1
"Herschel M33 extended survey (HERMES): star-formation interplay with the ISM"
Principal Investigator: Carsten Kramer (KOSMA, Universitaet zu Koeln)
In the local universe, most of the observable matter is contained in stellar objects
shaping the morphology and dynamics of their "parent" galaxy. In view of the dominance
of stellar mass, a better understanding of star formation and its consequences is
mandatory and forms a central topic of contemporary astrophysical research. There exist
a large number of high linear resolution studies related to individual star forming
regions of the Galaxy as well as of low linear resolution studies of external galaxies.
For a complete view onto the physical and chemical processes driving star formation
and galactic evolution it is, however, essential to combine local conditions affecting
individual star formation with properties only becoming apparent on global scales.
The optimal target providing such a complete view is a galaxy that is actively forming
stars, that is not seen edge-on (like our Galaxy), that has been studied at radio,
optical and X-ray wavelengths, and that is sufficiently nearby to also permit studies
on small scales. For our carefully chosen template galaxy, we plan to use HIFI to obtain
fully-sampled large-scale [CII] (and H2O) maps. PACS will add important interstellar
cooling lines, [OI], [NII], [NIII]. And SPIRE & PACS will be used to map the dust
spectral energy distribution over the entire galaxy. Observing a deep, extended strip
along the major axis of our template galaxy M33, will allow us to study the ionized,
atomic, and molecular phases of the interstellar medium, its life cycle and thermal
balance, tracing the formation of molecular clouds and of stars. Aside of insights
related to the local processes in the galaxy itself, the mapped source will set a
standard, providing a basis for the interpretation of phenomena encountered in other
targets of the Local Group and in more distant galaxies.
Proposal ID: KPOT_eegami_1
"The Herschel Lensing Survey"
Principal Investigator: Eiichi Egami (University of Arizona)
For deep imaging longward of 100 um, confusion noise sets the fundamental sensitivity
limits achievable with Herschel, and these limits cannot be improved by integrating
longer. As a result, Herschel PACS/SPIRE images will not quite reach the depth of
Spitzer 24 um, not to mention that of ALMA. This means that with the raw sensitivities
of PACS and SPIRE, it will be difficult to reach the population of infrared-luminous
galaxies at z>2. To penetrate through the Herschel confusion limits with the lensing
power of massive galaxy clusters and to reach z>2 infrared-luminous galaxies, we
propose here a deep PACS/SPIRE imaging survey of 40 lensing clusters, which have
carefully been selected from the past and on-going HST/Spitzer surveys. Although both
the PACS and SPIRE GT teams will conduct similar surveys, its small sample size of
10 clusters is not enough to fully achieve the great potential of such a survey since
highly magnified (e.g., >5-10x) lensed galaxies are rare. By expanding the sample
size by a factor of four, and by pre-selecting most spectacular sources from our
on-going Spitzer 24um survey of ~100 X-ray-luminous (i.e., massive) clusters, we will
detect a significant number of highly magnified infrared-luminous galaxies at z>2 with
PACS and SPIRE, which will enable us to (1) resolve a large fraction of the
far-infrared/submillimeter background in the PACS/SPIRE bands and (2) map out the full
spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of detected galaxies from mid-infrared to
submillimter. Such an extensive survey of lensing clusters will be a great legacy of
Herschel, providing a large number of interesting high-redshift targets for ALMA
follow-up in the future. Because of the large sample size and strong lensing power of
the targeted clusters, this survey also offers a great potential for breakthrough
discoveries such as the first detection of a star-forming (i.e., non-AGN) galaxy at z>>4
in the far-infrared/submillimeter.
Proposal ID: KPOT_gsmith01_1
"LoCuSS: A Legacy Survey of Galaxy Clusters at z=0.2"
Principal Investigator: Graham Smith (University of Birmingham)
We propose a definitive census of obscured star formation in intermediate redshift
clusters and its relationship with the recent mass assembly and thermodynamic histories
of the clusters. Specifically, we propose to use Herschel/PACS observations at 100 and
160um in conjunction with our Spitzer 24um data to characterize the dust-obscured
galaxy populations (star formation rate, AGN contamination, bolometric IR luminosity,
dust temperature) in a large unbiased sample of galaxy clusters at 0.15 0.3. The sample
of 32 clusters is drawn from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) for which
outstanding supporting data are available, including gravitational lensing, X-ray
spectro-imaging, and Spitzer 24um maps. This unprecedented dataset on a large and
unbiased cluster sample will enable us to answer definitively the question: "what
physical process(es) are responsible for triggering obscured star-formation in cluster
galaxies?". The enduring legacy will be a baseline study of the demographics of
low-intermediate redshift clusters against which to compare and thus interpret the
rapidly growing menagerie of high redshift cluster observations. This will be achieved
through a series of public data releases, that will include quantities derived from the
Herschel data (e.g. L_IR, T_dust) and from our huge investment in supporting data
(e.g. dark matter density, galaxy redshifts, galaxy morphologies). All of this can be
achieved with a "modest" Key Programme of 145 hours duration.
Proposal ID: KPOT_jdavie01_1
"Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS)"
Principal Investigator: Jonathan Davies (Cardiff University)
We are proposing to make a fully sampled map of about 60 sq deg of the nearby Virgo
galaxy cluster using both PACS and SPIRE (PMODE). This will provide a wavelength coverage
in five bands from about 100 to 600 microns. We estimate that we will detect about
400 galaxies at 250 micron. Our science interests include: a) The detection of dust
in the intra-cluster medium, b) Extended cold dust around galaxies. c) FIR-submm
luminosity functions, d) The UV to sub-mm spectral energy distribution of galaxies of
various morphological types, e) The detection of dust in dwarf and giant elliptical galaxies.
Proposal ID: KPOT_mmeixner_1
"HERschel Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE) in the
Magellanic Clouds"
Principal Investigator: Margaret Meixner (Space Telescope Science Institute)
We propose a uniform survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC, 8x8.5 degrees),
Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, 5x5 degrees), and the Magellanic bridge (4x3 degrees)
in SPIRE 250, 350, 500 um and PACS 100 and 160 um bands, and PACS spectroscopy of
key neutral gas regions in order to produce a HERschel Inventory of The Agents of
Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE), the interstellar medium (ISM) and massive stars.
Herschel images will provide key insights into the life cycle of galaxies because
the far-infrared and submm emission from dust grains is an effective tracer of the
coldest ISM dust, the most deeply embedded young stellar objects (YSOs), and the dust
ejected over the lifetime of massive stars. The ISM dust map will directly measure
dust on a scale size of individual regions (~10pc, ~5-20 K) with column
densities >0.85x10^{21} and >6x10^{21} H-atoms cm^{-2} for the LMC and SMC,
respectively. Dust emission per beam will be detected for regions
with >0.1 Msun at ~25 K, >5 Msun of 10 K. The [CII] 158, [OI] 63, 146
and [NII] 122 um lines in combination with the total far-infrared emission will
1) probe the physical conditions in the warm neutral medium and photodissociation regions,
2) clarify the origin of [CII] emission in low-metallicity galaxies and
3) constrain the physical conditions of the ISM gas required for star formation.
HERITAGE will complete 1) the census of massive YSOs down to >4 Msun Class 0 sources
and 2) the inventory of dust injected into the ISM by massive evolved stars and supernova
remnants (SNRs). The variation in dust properties discerned from the dust maps and the
measurements of the main cooling lines of the SNR shocks will quantify their effect on
the interstellar grain size distribution. HERITAGE will create an archival data set that
promises a lasting legacy to match current LMC and SMC surveys at other wavelengths.
HERITAGE will bridge the gap between Herschel studies of the Milky Way and those of
nearby galaxies and provide a template for high red shift galaxies.
Proposal ID: KPOT_pvanderw_1
"A Herschel survey of molecular lines in (U)LIRGs: physical conditions,
the nature of the power source, and a benchmark for high-z observations"
Principal Investigator: Paul van der Werf (Leiden Observatory)
The key diagnostic of the warm star-forming molecular clouds in galaxies is provided by
their cooling radiation: [CII] and [OI] lines, but also lines of CO, the main tracer of
molecular gas. While in our Galaxy cooling by CO lines is unimportant, this situation is
totally different in local ULIRGs, where the CO is an important coolant, and the thermal
balance is totally different from that in our Galaxy. These results demonstrate the
enormous, as yet almost unexplored, diagnostic power of these lines for probing physical
conditions. Since these lines are very luminous, they can be used to probe galaxies out
to very high redshifts. Here we propose a systematic study with the SPIRE-FTS and PACS of
the principal neutral gas cooling lines ([CII], [OI] and the CO ladder from 5-4 to 13-12)
in a 60 micron flux-limited sample of 32 galaxies: 24 LIRGs and 8 ULIRGs. Aims of this
key project are: - analysis of the neutral gas cooling budget, in particular the relative
importance of CO and [CII] emission; - analysis of the CO rotational ladder to derive the
mass of molecular gas as a function of temperature and density; - modeling of the data
using advanced PDR/XDR models with the goal of separating UV-excited (starburst) and X-ray
excited (AGN) components; - analysis of the implications for molecular mass measurements
based on CO lines, both at low and high redshift; - achieving statistical robustness, so
that inferences can be made on the infrared galaxy population in general, and trends with
other galaxy characteristics (IR luminosity, type of power source,...) can be traced.
Only Herschel can provide the necessary high-J CO and cooling line data. Combined with our
extensive ground-based data (low-J CO, HCN lines) this dataset will elucidate the energy
source and physical conditions in local ULIRGs, and establish the critical link necessary
for the interpretation of observations of high-z galaxies in mid-J CO lines and other
luminous lines, which will become routine in the ALMA era.
Proposal ID: KPOT_rkennicu_1
"Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: A Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel (KINGFISH)"
Principal Investigator: Robert Kennicutt (University of Cambridge)
We propose the KINGFISH project (Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: a Far-Infrared Survey
with Herschel) of nearby (D30 Mpc) galaxies mostly drawn from the SINGS sample, which span
a large range of star forming (SF) environments found in the nearby Universe. KINGFISH will
provide for the first time (1) imaging across the peak of the dust SED at a spatial
resolution that matches individual SF complexes, and (2) spectroscopic maps of key
diagnostic lines to constrain the cooling and heating processes of the warm neutral medium
and the obscured ionized ISM. The PACS and SPIRE imaging from 75 to 500 microns will
produce the first comprehensive census of dust in different galactic environments on a
spatially resolved basis. KINGFISH's spectral line mapping will sample the full range of
SF environments in regions that have already been targeted by SINGS IRS mapping. Leveraging
the synergy between imaging and spectroscopy, KINGFISH will provide robust measures of the
bolometric luminosity and star formation rates, the mass and spatial distribution of cold
dust and the relevance of different heating mechanisms in the energy balance of the dust
in distinctly different environments. Measurements of [CII]158 micron, [OI]63 micron,
[OIII]88 micron, and [NII]122, 205 micron, will finally provide the diagnostics needed to
understand two crucial, but so far ill-understood, components of the star formation and
feedback matter cycle: the warm neutral medium and the obscured ionized medium. The
analysis and modeling of KINGFISH's imaging and spectroscopy will draw on the unique
expertise from the Spitzer SINGS survey at shorter wavelengths. The resulting dataset will
be of immense astrophysical power and enormous long-term legacy value, bringing us a
crucial step closer to understanding star formation and energy feedback on scales of galaxies.
It will also provide an invaluable foundation for interpreting observations of more distant
galaxies with Herschel, ALMA, and other facilities.
Proposal ID: KPOT_seales01_2
"The Herschel Thousand Degree Survey (aka H-ATLAS)"
Principal Investigator: Stephen Eales (Cardiff University)
We still know little about dust in the nearby universe, because IRAS was only sensitive
to the 10% of dust warm enough to radiate in the far-IR, and submm surveys have not covered
enough area to sample a representative volume of the local universe. We propose to use
Herschel to survery 1000 square degrees in five bands. The survey will detect ~100,000
galaxies at z 0.3, and we will use the results in six key projects: (1) By using the the
SDSS and 2dFGRS redshifts that will exist for half the galaxies, we will carry out an
unprecedented study of dust and dust-obscured star formation in the nearby universe,
determining for example how these depend on Hubble type, metallicity and environment.
We will also measure the submm luminosity function, a key benchmark for galaxy evolution
models, and test 'down-sizing'models by investigating the cosmic evolution that is known
to have occurred over the last 3 billion years. (2) We will detemine the relative
contributions of the SZ effect and dusty galaxies in Planck sources, which will make it
possible to measure the number-density and bulk flows of clusters in the high-z universe -
two fundamental tests of the cosmological paradigm. (3) Using the largest ever sample of
gravitational lenses (~1000), we will investigate the evolution of the mass profiles of
galaxies, another key test of cosmological models. (4) We will investigate the relationship
between the formation of the black holes and stars in quasars by observing the 20,000
SDSS quasars in our fields. (5) By measuring the structure of the submm sky up to a scale
of 1000 Mpc, we will estimate the masses of the dark-matter halos containing the far-IR/submm
sources. (6) We will carry out the first census of dust and protostars at high galactic
latitudes. Our fields are the best-studied large fields in the sky and will be the targets
of future surveys with VISTA, VST, UKIRT, SPT and the SKA-precusor telescopes, KAT, ASKAP
and LOFAR, and so the survey will be of immense legacy value.
Proposal ID: KPOT_delbaz_1
"The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: far-infrared imaging with Herschel"
Principal Investigator: David Elbaz (CEA Saclay)
The bolometric energy emerging from dusty star formation and active galactic nuclei (AGN)
peaks at far-infrared wavelengths, which current deep surveys have barely been able to
touch. Prior to Herschel, the best observations have been made at wavelengths that are
either too long (submm) or too short (mid-IR) to detect the bulk of this emission.
While planned Herschel surveys will advance the study of the most luminous objects,
they will not be sensitive enough to explore the typical star forming galaxies from
z=1 to 4 as well as to identify obscured AGN. We propose ultra-deep PACS imaging,
complemented with SPIRE observations, to push the imaging potential of Herschel to its
limits in the GOODS fields where the deepest probes at all other wavelengths are also
(and will be) located. The 100 micron capability of PACS is uniquely matched to the needs
of observing at or near the peak of redshifted emission from star formation and AGN
activity, while avoiding the worst effects of confusion. With the proposed survey we will:
(1) resolve most of the cosmic star formation rate density up to z~4 ;
(2) determine definitively star formation rates in both IR and UV selected galaxies down
to the level where both SFR agree, up to z1.5 and potentially up to z~4 ;
(3) identify the Compton-thick AGN responsible for the missing part of the cosmic X-ray
background that remains unresolved in current surveys. Observing two widely separated fields
will offset the effects of cosmic variance.
The proposed observations will be fully 3 times deeper than the planned GT GOODS-South
survey, reaching 0.6 mJy (5 sigma) at 100 micron over 1/3 of each GOODS field.
We additionally propose modest PACS and SPIRE imaging to bring the coverage of the complete
GOODS-N up to the level of the GT GOODS-S survey. By conducting the proposed survey in the
GOODS fields, the resulting dataset will have lasting legacy and archival value.