The principal investigators of accepted proposals will be invited to Phase 2 of proposal preparation. Note that Phase 2 took place in the first two weeks of May 2010 for the GT1 proposers and will take place in November 2010 for OT1 proposers.
The purpose of Phase 2 is to finalise the proposed observations to committed observations. As already mentioned, change of targets or observing modes will in principle not be allowed, unless they were included in the original proposal as backups. Otherwise, only changes to the observation parameters of AORs already submitted in Phase 1 will be accepted.
The above rules are not applicable to those proposals where the acceptance by HOTAC was conditional to changes to the observations as they were submitted in Phase 1 or when technical problems were identified by the HSC which require observing mode changes to solve them. In this case, the required changes must be implemented in this Phase 2 and the HSC will ensure that they are consistent with the recommendations made.
The end result of Phase 2 is the list of committed observations which will also form the basis of the Reserved Observations list, which may not be repeated by proposers in further calls. Each call for proposals will be accompanied by a major update of the Reserved Observations List, where the new AORs will be added. While the OT1 call is open, no major changes will be permitted in the Reserved Observations List.